Friday, August 03, 2007

OB visit 37w3d

I sat in the waiting room and watched all the people go back. The waiting room was full and all the people that were there when I arrived should have gone back before me right? What about the next eight people that came in after me? Those were the ones that bothered me a bit.

I don't feel very good today. I am very tired. The humidity is killing me and I'm not getting much sleep at night. I didn't have to work terribly hard at work today which was good because I just didn't have it in me. I am worried about Monday though because I have a big day. I am getting tired of the big days. Thursday I had a big day as well. I am still trying to get everything taken care at work and I don't think people understand how much I have done or how much I still need to do. There are a lot of people who don't realize how much I do or what I do for them. Some how I just know that my charge nurse will be a big bitch and call me and ask me if I took care or this or that while I am off and then be nasty. The thing is she used to take care of some of the things that I do now and I think she misses having her hand in everything. However, she isn't doing those things now for a reason! So, I still feel a tremendous amount of stress to get things done to my liking. I know the world will go on without me, I just know I can make somethings go better if I get certain things done.

So I actually was 2 pounds above my first visit today. Then I went to the bathroom so I don't know how that actually comes out. So officially I have gained weight. They are also officially concerned with my blood pressure. It is always better when I take it at work then when I am sitting in an OB exam room. Funny how that works. Besides they make you get on a scale, go to the bathroom and then climb your fat pregnant ass up onto a table and immediately take your blood pressure. You don't even get to rest for a second. But still my pressure was 120/90 and when I take it at work it is 110-118/60's. So even though it is usually a bit higher at the office it has never been 90 and with the increased swelling in my feet I may not be pregnant much longer.

He told me to rest as much as I could this weekend. He was with me on my big day Thursday and he could see I didn't feel well today. So hopefully with some rest things will be better next week. We will see. I came home and told my husband and he says I have to take it easy but then tells me all these things I need to take care of. Then he yells at me when I start doing some of them. Then he gets mad when I ask him to do something because I can't. It makes me tired!

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