Wednesday, August 01, 2007

And here we go...

Mike and I finally got the crib together last night! There is now actually a place to lay our baby if he were born now! His room still needs to actually be put together and the curtains are being made this week, but things are going well. The curtains are kind of important, but everything else is just decoration and I doubt Jake will mind if something isn't hung up yet. A crib!!!! It is sitting out in the middle of the room to make it easier to get to both of the windows, but it is fully assembled all the sheets are on!

The results came back on my co worker's baby and they didn't find any diagnosis. They recommended some things to watch and retest in a few months. The thing now is to just get as many calories in him as possible. I think this is good new. His mom is taking it as good news, but it still doesn't explain why he has gotten so small. Interesting that two woman I work with have had babies with failure to thrive. The older one is 18months now and might be 22 pounds. I remember when they celebrated his 20 pound weigh in but I can't remember how long ago it was, maybe 6 weeks?

So, the shower... I understand things aren't going so well on that front. I DID NOT WANT TO DO THIS!!!!!!!! My husband won't let me say this out loud because he knows I was right that it wasn't a good idea. My MIL and SIL are at each other's throats I guess. My SIL's husband is a truck driver and she went out with him last week. She doesn't want to come back now. She wants to keep going. Her mother is saying that the shower was her idea and she has to be here to help. I knew this was going to be bad! My MIL is all pissed because not very many people have called to RSVP. I said I had no idea how many people would come and a lot of the people I work with don't believe in an RSVP. They don't know if they can come or not until it is time to actually go. Whatever. I did have someone tell me yesterday that they tried to call for several hours and the phone just rang and rang. Hmm, they have an answering machine I know. I told my husband so he called his dad to make sure the machine was on. This is when he found out that his mom was on the phone for more than 4 hours telling his sister she had to get her ass back here and help and she wouldn't answer the call waiting! My FIL is pissed because he had to take off work this morning to drive about an hour away to pick up my SIL because they were going to be driving by on their way from Oregon to Illinois! GREAT!!! I knew this wasn't going to be good. No one has given me any crap at work, but I knew it wasn't going to go well with my MIL! Mike also let a little piece of info slip that I don't think either of us were supposed to know. My sister feels guilty because she can't be here to help so she has now become a "sponsor" for the shower. Nice! Again, we couldn't help but think last night with all the drama that has gone into this, that it would have been more useful for us if no money had been spend on the party and instead on a present. We aren't trying to sound greedy, but it comes down to what we need. We need baby stuff, not a bunch of crazy women!!!

Oh, BTW, my mom stopped by the other night just so she could make sure and see me one more time while I was still pregnant because she didn't know if she would have the opportunity again. She kept telling me how much the baby has grown. Yes, I know. She kept saying it, until she actually finally said "you have gotten really wide." Thank you mother! I was still two pounds in the hole at my last weigh in. I thought I would cross over last week, but I'm sure I will this week. My friends and coworkers are nice enough, at least, to tell me that if you are standing behind me you can't tell I am pregnant. (they didn't add that I have to be standing still, because there is no doubt when I walk!!!)

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

Oh my...what drama!! Isn't it funny how some of the biggest celebrations in life end up causing the most tension between family members?? I could tell when I walked into my shower that my SIL did not want to be there but eventually she warmed up and I think had a good time. Oh, and most of my guest list didn't understand RSVP, either. The invite event stated "regrets only" and STILL people couldn't have the courtesy to call and say they wouldn't be there. But, like you said, it all comes down to that moment and whether or not they can make it (well, feel like making it is what I think). Oh well, what goes around comes around!
You are almost to the finish line...woo hoo!!!