Friday, August 17, 2007


I sat waited at the OB office forever today. I was about ten minutes early getting there and I waited for about an hour. I'm guessing the whole day got back logged because there were two doctors and a nurse practitioner in surgery for a couple hours longer than originally scheduled due to an emergency. (Gee I had to suffer for it in the morning and then again in the afternoon!) Oh well...

So the appointment went well. (as previously posted) I saw the midwife today because my doctor was gone. I like her very much. I had a hard time deciding which route I was going to go, to the midwife or to the OB's, when I was making my health care provider selection. I love my doctor, but I always feel a bit more comfortable talking more openly to one of the female doctors/midwife/nurse practitioners. Some of it is because they are women and have actually experienced these things and I think some of it is that they are closer to my age. I don't know (plus their hands are smaller!)

***CAUTION, TMI AHEAD***Looking at my chart, she could tell me that I definitely have had progress since last week. They always ask you about if you have been leaking any fluid or had any spotting or "show" and all that. Of course I have not observed any of these things. But when she did the exam I was already in the process of losing my plug. And she said that I am 1-2 cm dilated, but she could stretch me to the 2 cm without much difficulty. It may not have been difficult, but it was more than uncomfortable. I am also 50% effaced. There is always the difference in examiner and so she said I might have been 1 cm before but my doctor's fingers are just too big to give me that credit. She also said that maybe I wasn't and now I am. Well either way we have progress and she made me bleed like a stuck pig (actually as I said some of the blood was already on its way). I must say I have not missed having blood coming out of my body and am not looking forward to the time after delivery. So she gave me hope! She said there is a chance I might not be pregnant next Friday. She asked how long I was continuing to work and said it was fine to keep going back. She told me to keep having sex (not today though) to help encourage my body along. And she told me she was on call this weekend and it was possible that I might be seeing her. I won't hold my breath to that, but I am at least feeling a bit better that something is happening with my body and I may not be pregnant forever. When I asked about how long they would let me stay pregnant she said my risks of c-section are so much higher with the first pregnancy being induced that they would really rather WAIT awhile longer before making that decision. What!!!! Well, a WEEK TO TEN DAYS after my due date, but I would have to talk to my doctor about that IF I have to come back next week. I would think my chance at a c-section would go up if they waited a whole week because this baby is so freaking big!!! God is still trying to teach me patience. You would think it would be apparent by now that patience is not my strong point!

At least when (if?) I go back to work on Monday I can say I have made progress!


Nurse Lochia said...

Hang in there. Those last few days are killer, but it is so much easier to go into labor on your own than to be induced. Crossing my fingers that your next post is a birth announcement!

Kirsten said...

Oh my! It is getting SO close!! I never got to experience the whole mucous plug thing so I'm kinda jealous...!!!
And, yes, the break from bleeding is SO nice. I am going on six-weeks of postpartum bleeding right now. Not major bleeding, just enough to be annoying. Then it'll be time for good ol' Aunt Flo to be back any time now.
I'm so excited for you guys!!