Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Not there yet

Well, we are mostly moved in. We have a bit of stuff left at the other house. Now we are living in mountains of boxes. I have been trying to unpack but it is hard. Tomorrow is my day off but I need to go work on getting more junk out and cleaning! We have tons of cleaning to do. I can't wait until it is down to just one house and just one mess. We can't even start adjusting because we can't find anything.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Are we done yet?

The answer is no. We are not done moving yet. We have moved tons of boxes and crap, I mean stuff over to the house but no furniture in place. That comes this Saturday and I can hardly wait.

I'm trying to figure out where I want everything and how I want to put everything away. I am not going to sleep well until the last box has been unpacked or put to storage in its proper home. I'm a bit OCD like that. I'm not a neat freak by any means, but it makes me anxious to know all my stuff is everywhere and no where at the same time. I've got to know where my stuff is!!!

Jake is being a little monster. We have been helping a coworker of mine out some lately. She is caring for her granddaughter for an undetermined amount of time. This sweet little girl is a couple of months younger than Jake and goes to the same daycare. I have been picking her up and keeping her when grandma has to work late shifts. This little girls is just a dream. Jake likes her and frequently behaves better when she is around, like he has to impress her or something. Well, I picked them both up today and she played quietly in the car on the way home and Jake screamed. I don't mean cried, I mean SCREAMED for almost twenty minutes. I could find no reason. Nothing was pinching him or too tight. He is just a giant crab. He is working on both of his bottom first year molars and it is going to kill me. Both sides of the gum are swollen to crazy amounts and have giant blisters. They aren't blood blisters like the first two but they are still ugly. He isn't eating worth a darn. I don't know what to try to give him.

He has been a terrible stinker about taking his allergy medicine too. He just hates getting medicine. It is a battle to get any in his mouth. I draw up 1.5 doses and hope he swallows half of that. His skin has been worse lately, but I have been eating things I shouldn't I haven't been able to give up dairy completely. I love dairy. My mom brought some brownies last week and they were loaded with eggs. On top of that, Mike brought home a container of my favorite ice cream. That is my weakness. I love ice cream. So I think the worsening of Jake's skin is because of that. I have felt so bad that I am doing much much better about what I am eating. I feel guilty that I am making his skin itch.

Thursday, June 05, 2008


Jake is doing so much better. He is happy and ornery. I love it. He is still teething and drooling like a fool. We are doing better on the tantrums. He realizes that I'm putting him back to bed now.

Some changes have happened at daycare. One of the women is no longer there as of the end of last week. She could be a bit difficult. She liked knowing things and not sharing that information - like my son's allergies. She liked doing things her way, even if that isn't how the daycare wanted it done. My son liked her. I liked her, yet was afraid of her. I knew I didn't want to tick her off. One day she was there, the next she wasn't. Okay. So two girls - her kids were high school age - took her place. One seems eerily nice. She is always smiling and just loves babies. That is good. She just gives me the creeps a little. She just always seems to be about two feet away from me and she is tiny and startles me. You don't see her coming. She is just suddenly there smiling up at you. This isn't bad, I know. My son seems to like her. The other girl... not so happy with. I don't know if she still works there even. She started Monday. She was there with the director when I got there and she seemed fine. Tuesday morning I got there and no one was there. I didn't have a clue what to do. I didn't know a number to call. I was panicking. I called my husband. He was in bed but was going to drag himself down to wait so I could go to work. When she got there it wouldn't have been pretty. She showed about five minutes later. The fog was bad and she had to come from about forty miles away. Not okay, but... what can I do. Yesterday we had to wait but she was there to unlock the door at 6. Today? Nothing. No one!!! I got the number for the director after what happened Tuesday. I called her and said there is no one here at 0610. The church was unlocked because the men's group has a breakfast and bible study on Thursday mornings. I went to see who was there. My best friend's dad and the husband of one of my L&D nurses were two of the men there. They said they could watch him. (their faces lit up when they saw us). They were worried about me getting to work on time and they said they would be happy to take Jake until someone got here. (I actually called the director after I saw them the first time). In the mean time, one of my coworkers showed up with her granddaughter who is six and a half months old. We talked to the director and waited until we couldn't wait any longer and left the babies with the men. The director chewed out my coworker for our doing that. I don't think she understood how well we know these men. I barely made it to work on time. We get severely penalized for being one minute late.

So what will tomorrow bring? We will see. Thank goodness we go an hour later. I think I might blow a gasket if there is no one there again. I NEVER once had that problem with the other woman. Not once, not even when the weather was awful.

Must keep packing. We were hoping to make the move this weekend, but that isn't going to work out. We can move boxes to the garage and the basement, but the carpets have to be cleaned still :( Not what we were hoping for. It will probably rain anyway.