Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Are we done yet?

The answer is no. We are not done moving yet. We have moved tons of boxes and crap, I mean stuff over to the house but no furniture in place. That comes this Saturday and I can hardly wait.

I'm trying to figure out where I want everything and how I want to put everything away. I am not going to sleep well until the last box has been unpacked or put to storage in its proper home. I'm a bit OCD like that. I'm not a neat freak by any means, but it makes me anxious to know all my stuff is everywhere and no where at the same time. I've got to know where my stuff is!!!

Jake is being a little monster. We have been helping a coworker of mine out some lately. She is caring for her granddaughter for an undetermined amount of time. This sweet little girl is a couple of months younger than Jake and goes to the same daycare. I have been picking her up and keeping her when grandma has to work late shifts. This little girls is just a dream. Jake likes her and frequently behaves better when she is around, like he has to impress her or something. Well, I picked them both up today and she played quietly in the car on the way home and Jake screamed. I don't mean cried, I mean SCREAMED for almost twenty minutes. I could find no reason. Nothing was pinching him or too tight. He is just a giant crab. He is working on both of his bottom first year molars and it is going to kill me. Both sides of the gum are swollen to crazy amounts and have giant blisters. They aren't blood blisters like the first two but they are still ugly. He isn't eating worth a darn. I don't know what to try to give him.

He has been a terrible stinker about taking his allergy medicine too. He just hates getting medicine. It is a battle to get any in his mouth. I draw up 1.5 doses and hope he swallows half of that. His skin has been worse lately, but I have been eating things I shouldn't I haven't been able to give up dairy completely. I love dairy. My mom brought some brownies last week and they were loaded with eggs. On top of that, Mike brought home a container of my favorite ice cream. That is my weakness. I love ice cream. So I think the worsening of Jake's skin is because of that. I have felt so bad that I am doing much much better about what I am eating. I feel guilty that I am making his skin itch.

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