Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The life and times

Well, we have been busy 'round these here parts. I worked all late shifts but one last week and it sucked big time!!!! For weeks people on late shifts have been leaving early day after day. Not my week. I did leave early one day, but the other three I ended up staying past my shift end. It was hard on me and it was hard on Jake. Mike didn't so much care on way or the other.

Then my mom and aunt came Saturday. That was... interesting. I forget how that goes. I love my aunt dearly but I just don't know. My mom and aunt were on the computer for hours. My aunt would sit there chatting for 6 plus hours with this man or that man. My mom and my aunt would compare men on countless different singles sites. I was shocked how many different sites they go to and the guys the contact. They were also incredibly loud. I was expecting them Saturday morning and it was almost four before they got to my house. They just acted like it was no big deal. We immediately had to go shopping, which was not on my plan. Poor Jake was a bit overwhelmed as well. My aunt is very loud and she brought tons of stuff that just kind of exploded everywhere. She also brought her hyper little dog. Jake and the dog actually got along quite well, but still our house was turned upside down. I got one of the worst migraines I have had in I don't know how long on Saturday. I had to go to bed early. It was miserable. I couldn't even get my migraine pill out of the foil and my aunt is telling me I ought to take some thing for that. Duh!!! Can't you see I can't even get it out of the wrapper??? Mike had to help me and help me to bed. I still had a throbbing headache on Sunday, but it was better at least. We had to go shopping for more than 4 hours Sunday afternoon. I am just not a big shopper, especially now that we have to worry about nap times. It is all about getting in and getting out for me, not about entertainment like it is for my mother. Like usual my aunt spend a fortune. She did buy a couple of really cute outfits for Jake.

So my aunt had to force my mom to leave Sunday evening. That was great. Then Monday my aunt shopped again all day. She came home in time to get to Jake's first swimming lesson with us and then spent the whole night on the computer. She was clacking away and gestured with her arm and knocked her beer off the wooden arm of the couch. It almost went into the computer. Instead it went all over the couch and the carpet my had just spent hours cleaning. Tuesday morning she got up and talked to me and was going to stay another night. When I got home Tuesday she was gone. All order had returned to our house She left tons of stuff behind. I don't know what Mike said or did, but she was gone. He doesn't seem to think he did anything but I don't know why else she would have just left. I can't get a hold of her either. Mike said she said she would call me later, but she hasn't. She went to my Mom's house but my aunt is answering her phone when I call. I don't know what happened. She was planning on coming for Thanksgiving but I don't if those plans have changed or not.

So... swimming lessons are going. We go everyday this week and Monday through Thursday next week. Monday he was super swimmer and happy as can be. Tuesday he threw fits and bit me on my shoulder. We had to leave a few minutes early. Tonight was somewhere in between. It is going okay. He was wired afterwards Monday. It was so hard to tell if he was being naughty because our schedule has been so messed up. because we had company, because he isn't feeling well, or something else. He has taken to throwing large, very loud fits. I don't know what to do with these.

I've got to get to bed. I can only keep one eye open to keep what I'm typing in focus. We did not win the picture contest. We got second by one vote. I was very depressed about that at first but now I can talk about it. The crappy part is not that we didn't win but that we didn't win by one, ONE vote. One vote off.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I feel like I am going nuts!! I am so stressed. I am totally hormonal. I believe I am going to need a blood transfusion soon from my massive blood loss. My work week has totally sucked been from hell. Oh wait, I still have two more shifts and they are promising to be just as crappy. My house is a TOTAL disaster and my aunt and mom are coming Saturday morning to stay for awhile. Not to mention Jake is a whinny, constipated grouch. He won't eat. Sleep isn't going so well and it just goes down hill from there... I need a vacation or a margarita or something.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Time flies

I can't believe how fast time is passing. I just can't seem to get anything accomplished. Well, at least not what I think I should. I have two difficult classes coming up I have never taken before. I know they aren't a big deal. They are just two days and a test, but they are hard to me. Plus I am trying to study for my certification test. At least now I can take it here. Our community college got certified as a testing center so I don't have to drive all the way to a suburb of Denver like I was planning. That takes some of the pressure off.

I can't believe how fast Jake is growing. He is a little stinker and a little ham. You can really tell he works it too. He is a lot whinier for mommy than anyone else. He sticks his lower lip out and makes these pathetic yet hilarious noises. He hasn't been doing quite as well with his sleep, but it is still better than it was. He has ended up in bed with us the past several nights but it has been 2 or so in the morning. He is coughing again when he sleeps and I think that is part of it. It is still a bugger about eating. He actually ate some spaghetti sauce with ground beef two nights ago with some rice pasta. He hasn't been willing to eat that before so I was excited. Meet is so hard to get into him unless it is a baby food meal in a jar. I can't wait to be rid of those!!! I think we should be by now but I guess we are getting closer.

Jake doesn't care for weening and I guess I am not as strong with it as I should be. I have tried to drop a feeding and drop another and he will do okay but then he freaks out and wants to nurse all the time. He was getting tired and we were in the checkout line at the store and he was whining and trying to pull my shirt up! That is when I wish I could be one of those people that says we are done and it is final. I just need to toughen up and ignore the whining and crying, right?

Fall seems to be too short. We were still having 80 degree temps last week or the week before and now they are talking about snow on Saturday. I want more of the in between!!! I really enjoyed the drive to the photographer's because it was such a beautiful day. It made the trip worth it. I can't wait to get our pictures. I am a picture junky now. Our walls are just plastered with this little boy's face.

My aunt is coming in about a week. I'm not sure how I feel about that. It will be nice to see her but I think she will be here for too long. I'm hoping she will go visit my mom. My mom is working on moving back closer to me. She is moving I just don't know when. She is renting a three story, three bedroom townhome. That makes sense for the single woman with two knees that need to be replaced. My mom really thinks she needs a four bedroom. She has a different job now, still in the same walls, but employed by a different company. It pays better with much crappier benefits. All she can talk about is shopping. It is crazy. We have heard her tell Jake that he is going to get to come home with her now. Umm, have I mentioned my mom is nuts before????

Monday, October 06, 2008

We need your help!!!!!

Okay we do need help. We need votes. We went and got Jacob's picture taken in his Halloween costume and we would really like to win the contest and get the $100 for our family Christmas picture next month. I have been wavering on if we should do the Christmas pictures or not because of cost and the prize would really help. So please, we need all the votes we can get for Jacob! Thank you, we really appreciate it.