Thursday, May 29, 2008

Nine months old!

Jake is nine months old today and I can't believe it. Guess how we spent our day? Waiting, waiting and waiting some more. To make it even more fun, we were waiting on an empty stomach. Jake had tubes put in his ears today. The doctor was almost three hours behind schedule. I thought it was going to be bad to have to wait with a baby until 11am for surgery. Well that is nothing compared to waiting until almost 2pm with a hungry baby for surgery. I would have rescheduled, but this is the only time I could get it in for the next six weeks. We couldn't have waited six weeks!

So it went well and he is doing better. Hopefully now we won't have to be on antibiotics all the time. Hopefully now Jake will feel better. Hopefully now Jake will put on a little weight and that will make the doctor happy. He dropped under nineteen pounds with this last bout of illness. I just can't believe my little baby is nine months old. He is going to be a year before I know it!

He is doing so many new things. He pulls up on whatever he can. He walks on his toes with help. He gets his legs into his army crawl now. My favorite new thing is what he is doing right this minute - temper tantrums!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008


Well, I have great news. We are moving. I am so excited except for the packing, moving, and unpacking part of it. I just can't wait to get out of this house!!!

Back in January an opportunity presented itself to us and we thought it was wonderful. A former coworker of mine approached me about renting/buying his house. We talked and he said come and see the house and we will talk. Well, right now, I have a short list of things I don't like about the house and that is it. They are also livable things that maybe someday we can take care of.

There is so much more space and we NEED it! All of the rooms are bigger than we have now. The basement is so much nicer. There are three bathrooms! The kitchen has a ton more space and the back yard is completely fenced like a normal yard. I am so looking forward to being able to put the dogs out to play. I will be able to PARK IN THE GARAGE!!!! There is central air. You can't see a breeze coming in the windows. There is insulation in the walls. I have also know the last two owners and I know they both have taken good care of the house.

I hate packing. I really, really hate packing. I have packed fifty boxes as of yesterday and you can't really see that I have done anything (if you don't open closet doors or kitchen cupboards). That is depressing. Mike took a day off to help me. He has packed a big fat zero boxes.
I have to get back to packing but I thought I would just stop and write a note. As you can see, meal time often ends in the bathtub. I think Jake makes a mess just so he can get in the tub. He cries when you take him out now and not when you put him in. Saturday was his first time playing in the yard and Mommy got out some bubbles. He wanted to get the bottle out of my hand and try and drink it. He thought the bubbles where pretty cool if he couldn't see the bottle.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Here I come!!!

Jake is a man of motion. He is all over the place now. But it is a funny crawl. It is kind of a modified army crawl. It works for him though! You have to watch out. That boy is across the room in no time. He is trying to wedge himself in the tinniest of spaces too. He sure is funny to watch. I would worry about his legs if I didn't know how well they work because they don't do much work at all in this crawl. His upper body is sure going to be strong!

He really needs a hair cut and you can tell in these pictures. His hair seems to be getting a lot thicker and growing so fast!

In the last picture you can see the glow of Ophi's eyes. There seems to be one animal or another always watching Jake move at a not too far distance. It is funny. I don't know if they are trying to see what he can do or watching to see if he is going to get into trouble. Molly is really funny because she gets behind him as he goes and if he stops she licks his head. I don't know if she is praising him or encouraging him to keep going. It is funny either way.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Birthday cake

For my birthday I had something that totally goes against everything Jake can eat. I had this lovely layered - devil's food cake, ganache, cheesecake, ganache, devil's food, slathered wit more ganache and topped this chocolate pieces. It was to die for! I ordered it from New York. It cost about as much to have it sent as the cake did and I don't care. I loved it.

However, I ate it alone. Mike was home and had been home all weekend. He took a nap all evening!!! I had to eat leftovers on my own and then eat cake on my own. I was so mad at him. He got up just in time for me to go to bed, that turkey!

At least the next day I went out with some friends after work to a Mexican restaurant and had margaritas and ponchos and leftover cake. My friends enjoyed it! That was nice at least.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Happy Mother's Day to all! I wish this day were going a little different for us, but I am still grateful that I am a mother. Jake is sick. Again. I'm sick. AGAIN. We are waiting for the urgent care to open right now. We believe we will actually get to see a doctor today and not one of the PA's. I sure hope we don't have to see the PA we saw on Wednesday because she was a freaking pump on a log. I have gotten to cuddle Jake a lot the past few days. (he won't sleep at night unless I am holding him). Maybe it is the lack of sleep, but it still seems a bit surreal to me. This is my little baby. This IS my little boy. This is MY baby. I am so grateful to be his mother and we will make it through all these bumps in the road. We have each other.