Sunday, March 04, 2007

Where did that four day weekend go? It doesn't feel like I had any extra time off right now. I am exhausted. Friday was a horrible day. I had to get up early to go to a meeting at work which just felt like another bitch fest. I hate it when we have meetings. I always leave feeling like life is worse than when I went in. I went home for about an hour and then I went back to the hospital to have an ultrasound of my gallbladder. That was not pleasant. I went in before my appointment and then had to wait for ever to get help in the admitting area. The ONE lady at the desk was helping a little old couple try to figure out how to get to a doctor's office in another building. It was ten minutes before I even got to talk to anyone and then we had to get some of my personal information fixed that I gave them correctly the day before. How frustrating!

Then I went to radiology and had to sit and wait. When the lady finally came to get me she chewed me out for being late. I had this same lady about a year and half ago and she was a bitch that day too. This time she at least told me her name. I won't forget it. She said she even called up to my work trying to find me. If she was looking so hard for me why did I have to wait 20 minutes for her??? Anyway the ultrasound was awful. My muscles are so sore from coughing and vomiting and then it feels like they are carving into with that probe. After ten minutes of my whimpering she asked if she was hurting me. Duh?? She had a student there learning and she was talking to him but not me. Well she did talk to me. Roll on your back. Lay on your left side. Hold your breath. Oh, you can breathe now. Hold your breath. I don't know how many times I heard that. Then it was sit up fast and hold your breath. It was awful. I can't believe this woman has a job there. Of course we couldn't take a peek at the baby. She didn't tell me what she saw. Well, she did say there weren't any stones. She talked to the student about seeing sludge which isn't great. They kept talking about other patients they had put through the same torture this week so I wasn't sure what the hell was up with me from their conversation.

The sad thing was that my OB office does the same ultrasound, but they couldn't get me in until 1030. I had to be NPO for the study and my dr didn't want me to go that long. I wasn't too worried about that, I was concerned because my actual shift started at 1100. The problem is that I am having trouble eating again. It is a little different that before because overall I am doing better. I don't have the all-day-sickness, I just feel horrible again now when I eat. I have terrible epigastric pain again after I eat. I feel sick for several hours (sometimes up to 6) and then it gets better again until I eat. What fricking fun! I started having some pain last weekend but it just kept getting worse through the week. Yesterday, though, it wasn't too bad. I don't know. I was supposed to call the dr's office Friday afternoon for the results but that didn't end up working out.

So I was tied up for awhile Friday and didn't get to call and see what I need to do or not do. I am not really excited about the idea of having surgery while pregnant. It scares me. I know that we do it. Gallbladders and kidney stones are the two most common surgeries we do during pregnancy. That doesn't mean I want to have it done, but I can't go on feeling like this if it can be fixed. Besides, gallbladders can be horrible little things. They can start rotting in there if you don't take them out when it tells you it is time. People can get sooo sick from them. I know who I will have do it if it has to happen and I am comfortable with that surgeon. We take out so many gallbladders it is hard to believe there are many people that still have them. I have never before heard a peep out of mine if that is in fact what is the problem now. The other thing they mentioned was having ulcers. I thought they gave you a lot of trouble when your stomach was empty. I don't know. I don't care. I don't want to have to do anything I just want to be better.

Today is beautiful and I have taken advantage of that by working outside all morning. Our yard is a freaking pain in the ass. There are so many things that need to be done before spring hits every year. I know I need to get everything I can get done finished while I can. I wore myself out though. There was a point that I should have stopped, but I didn't and now I am exhausted. I should have listened to my body. I just wanted to get more done while the weather is cooperating and I actually have some time. Oh well. I just hope I can get some of the things done in the house that I needed to do today. At the moment I sure don't feel like it, nor do I feel like going back to work tomorrow!

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