Saturday, March 10, 2007

Beautiful day

It is a beautiful day so far. My husband's "weather station" says it is already 50 degrees and it is only 9am. It is overcast but the sun is trying to peek through the clouds. There is only a slight breeze, which is almost unheard of. I walked around my yard for about 20 minutes and picked up tree branches and tumble weeds (we always have a lot of both). I have a mountain, literally, of laundry in the basement and the laundry shoot is so full nothing else will go in it. I did already do the dishes. The problem, I just want to play. I don't want to trim the roses or grape vines or clean out the flower beds out front. I REALLY don't want to do laundry. I don't want to go to the grocery store or freaking wal mart.

I don't know what exactly I want to do but it isn't anything on my list. We don't have a lot of nice days in these parts. I made a commitment to my friend that I would cook for her today, though and that is what I will have to do. This is the friend that had a hysterectomy a little over a week ago. Today was the first opening on their dinner schedule. I can't back out. The chicken is already thawed anyway. I am going to make chicken breasts stuffed with a spinach, ricotta, and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese and then wrapped in prosciutto. I think I will roast some asparagus and I am going to make her this focaccia that she loves. Another coworker is going to make a lettuce salad and a fruit salad. I am feeling guilty because I don't want to make anything chocolate or any other kind of dessert, but that is what I am known for. People expect it. Well it won't be elaborate if I succumb to my guilt (it usually is, you see).

I suppose, if I at least do some of the things I need to, I will get some time outside. We can't ever take the weather for granted, because tomorrow might be horribly windy or cold. The wind might get worse this afternoon so I better get off my ass and stop procrastinating

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