Monday, March 12, 2007


It occurred to me Friday night when I was trying to find a few new things to wear that I look pregnant. My breasts got larger and then have returned to normal size with my weight loss. That was somewhat of a relief because they don't feel like someone is trying to over inflate them now. What I really noticed was that my chubby belly looks different. It is still chubby but I can tell there is something else going on there.

When I FINALLY got my ass moving on Saturday, I was trying to figure out what to wear. I didn't have much for clean pants because I didn't have the laundry done yet. I stood and looked into my drawer like it was going to magically make pants appear. I decided I would try on some jeans that were too tight to wear when I got pregnant. I'll be darned if the damn things didn't fit. That is pathetic, but at least I have some pants to wear. I won't be able to wear them too terribly long, but I can this week at least. I tried ordering some at OldNavy but they were our of my size. I will have to try again.

I also realized that I had a lot to do on Saturday and if I didn't want to see my MIL and SIL I didn't have to. That actually felt good. I had to go to four different stores and get gas before my shopping was done. I worked on some laundry and took a little rest. I dragged my but up and got myself cooking. I let my guilt get the better of me and I decided to make a chocolate cake for my friend. I usually make round cakes but I was worried that there wouldn't be enough time for the cake to cool and get frosted so I made cupcakes instead. That worked out well. Then I gave some to another friend as well. It sprinkled or rained most of Saturday afternoon so I didn't get anything else done outside. The food was well received. I was worried about my friend's husband because he is kind of picky.

Sunday was beautiful too. I had a rough night and the darn time change was hard for me but I did make it to church. I came home and slept in The Throne, I mean the new chair, for a couple of hours before I did anything else. When I got up I did go out and finish trimming the roses and I cleaned out the smallest and easiest of the flower beds. I was exhausted after that though. We had to go over to Mike's parents' for dinner and that sucked. I ate too much and got sick. I had terrible pain. I haven't been eating that much at once and not meat, potatoes, gravy, and biscuits when I do eat. That made it hard for me to sleep last night. I am working so hard to try to sleep on my side but my left arm keeps going to sleep at the shoulder. I don't know what I should do differently. I forgot to ask the orthopod that I worked with today what he recommended I do. Does anyone else have that problem?

Today it is almost 80 degrees outside. I should be out there working on another flower bed, but I am just too tired. I had to run several errands after work and that did me in.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

Old Navy seems to always be out of my size, too. I finally broke down and bought some khaki pants from Gap Maternity this weekend. There about $60 a pair but I figure I'll end up wearing them every week for the next 5 months or so!
I wish I had a solution for the side-sleeping issue. I'm having a hard time with it, too, but no numbness. It just really hurts my back and I want to sleep on my back SOOO bad.
And you are so right about the stomach looking different. I've always had a pooch but now it's quite odd...there's a larger, firmer pooch above my belly button and the babies are so far below that...strange!!
Oh, and yes, these will be my mom's first grandbabies so she is overjoyed : )