Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Getting better, again. For good??

I had to call the doctor's office again this morning and it still took another four hours for someone to call me back with results today. That is okay because I already figured out I was going to be fine. Of course that was more than $1000 latter. Any way, the nurse told me exactly what I had figured out for myself. I had a collection of fluid in the space where my gallbladder used to be. The amount of fluid has decreased, and thus the pain is getting better. She said that this is actually a fairly normal occurrence. I didn't know this and no one warned me so I wouldn't freak out. However, it was something that I should have had looked at like I did. She also went over my labs with me which was interesting. I know this nurse has the same education as I do. I know that she actually deals with blood work more than I do. I also know that I explained some of the results to her because she said a couple of times she wasn't sure what something meant.

I was a little surprised, yet not, about my labs. All of the things in my blood pertaining to healing and protein are low. Well, all that throwing up and not being able to eat much is reflected there. That makes me concerned for Tiger. (I now call the baby Tiger since my husband says if I keep call it "her" a "he" would get a complex). I just hope that Tiger has been able to get what Tiger needs. I truly know that I have done what I could. I know that I have tried to eat lean, high protein meals as much as I can. I have also tried to get as much calcium as I have been able. What it is is what is I guess. Now I am able to do much better but is it soon enough? I don't know. I think Tiger will be as fine as any child of mine could be!

I called the daycare at our church again today. That is really where we want Tiger to go. I called and called right after my NT scan to get us on the waiting list. I just had to wait until I knew everything was alright in there before I called. The director was new and had no idea what the status of "the list" was. So I was hoping things were better and they are. We don't have a spot, but we don't not have a spot. There is one vacancy in October and one other person called about it before me. I am a member of the church, the director doesn't know about the other person. So... I potentially had the edge. I definitely plan on having a discussion with the minister. I was going to ask her if there is anyone at church that has a home daycare anyway. I am having no success finding somewhere that works. My husband said today that maybe I won't have to go back to work if I can't find daycare. He also said that he doesn't really want our baby to go anywhere other than "our" church. That made me chuckle because he was raised in a different church sort of. He was baptized and confirmed. His own confirmation was probably the last time anyone in his family went to church until his sister's wedding five years ago. They give me a hard time about going to church, but I don't care. So we'll see if I can't secure this spot just yet and put my mind at ease.

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