Saturday, March 17, 2007

We're fine

Surgery went well. My gallbladder was HUGE. It was also stuck to my small bowel which we don't see very often. My surgery went ahead of schedule, which was wonderful. I was in the recovery room a little longer, but they were having trouble finding the baby's heartbeat the second time they went to check it. I didn't freak out. There was a 5 year old in the bay next door screaming his head off and they couldn't hear. One of my OB's partners was see her patient that was in the bay on the other side of me and so my nurse grabbed her to help. She couldn't hear with the doppler they had so she had OB bring over their ultrasound machine. It was by far the oldest machine in the hospital so there was no way in hell that we could see what the baby is, but what we did see was a nice beating heart and a baby wiggling all over the place. When I say "we" I mostly mean the doctor and the recovery room nurse because I am blind without my glasses. They said the baby was more awake than I was. I think that is good. I felt tremendously better knowing that they could see that the baby looked okay.

I am doing all right. I feel a little worse today than I did yesterday. I worked like hell to get out of the hospital this morning. I have had no cramping at all and they had nurses from OB come up and check the baby a number of times. Each time it was moving around like mad and they had to chase it to get a count. So that was good. Even though I have been on pain meds the baby isn't lethargic and the heart rate was always around 150. I am plenty sore today. I didn't get much sleep last night at all.

My mom and my husband have both been wonderful. There is a little story there but I won't go into it now. My pain has definitely been there, but it hasn't been as bad as it was before.

1 comment:

Hopeful Mother said...

I'm so glad that the surgery went well and that you and baby are both fine!