Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Dr appt 17w1d

I had an OB appointment this morning. I didn't remember to get half the stuff I wanted to get done done. I couldn't seem to do anything but cry. I started crying while the nurse was taking my blood pressure and I pretty much didn't stop until I left the exam room. Then I started again in the car. My official weight loss is 14.2 pounds. I actually thought with all the salt I ate last night that I might have maintained the same weight as my last visit. I was wrong. No one gave me a hard time about it. Everyone was very nice and very reassuring. I still cried and told them how scared I am. My doctor told me he is on call this weekend and will be available if I need anything at all. He told me he would check on me after office on Friday. That is very nice but I am still scared. He said his wife had her gallbladder out last year and is doing great. I told him I remember because I was there. He said one of his partners had her gallbladder out last week and she is back doing so office work. Yeah, I was there last week too. Neither one of them was pregnant.

I do seem to have figured out a way to build myself a nest and sleep pretty well at night. There are a couple of problems with it though. It requires three pillows all of which are king sized and when my body pillow gets here that will be even bigger. The other related problem is that my husband thinks I am infringing on his side of the bed. It works great while he is gone (I have been using his pillow, but don't tell him) Now he will take off from work until at least Sunday so he can be with me for my surgery. Maybe he will have to sleep in his chair for a couple of nights if he thinks that I am taking up too much of a king sized bed. I really don't think I am going past the half way point but that is too close for him!

I don't want to go to work today. The OR schedule is horrendous and I am thinking there may still be more than one room going at 1930 which is when we go down to only having the call crew available. Maybe, hopefully, I will be wrong.

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