Friday, March 09, 2007

Random thoughts

I love game shows. I have always wanted to be on a game show. I'm not sure which one. There was a time when I might have had a chance on Jeopardy probably only the teen and that was mostly in my head. Some of the other games look like more fun. Like there is hope they can really win something. I love Deal, but I read they pick the contestants by casting calls. That doesn't seem very fair. I think I could do pretty well facing the Mob but I am conservative when it comes to risk taking. That is the same with Deal. But there are the long time shows I still watch once in a great while. Price is Right, too many other people. Probably the one I would do the very best on is good ol' Wheel. I don't know why, but I have always dreamed of being on a game show.

Today was the complete opposite of last Friday at work. I still had the same crappy late shift, but we all left before 1600. The regular shifts were mostly gone by 1230. There was only one doctor operating when I got there at 1100 and there were only 3 cases. It was certainly less stressful than last Friday.

I called to change my OB appointment for next week since it is scheduled during my surgery time. The scheduling lady freaked out. She said she didn't think I could do that. She freaked out even more when I explained why I couldn't make it. "A nurse will have to take care of this." That was fine. One of the nurses that I know very well called me later and worked me in earlier next week so they can see me before the surgery. They said they will probably want to see me again after surgery just to be safe. Hopefully, we will schedule our next ultrasound at this appointment. They told me that at my last appointment, but if it isn't in their plan I will have to have a freak out of my own and get an ultrasound for after surgery. The sad thing is, it probably won't take much for me to have a meltdown.

I'm not sure if I have felt the baby move yet. My whole abdomen is so pissed off right now I'm not sure what I can trust anything to be what I think it is. I have felt a few things I would call flickers in the last couple of days. I can definitely feel things stretching and pulling. I still have a fair amount of cramping and I don't like that. I just don't know what the hell is going on in there. I wish I could feel the baby moving more. I think that might make me feel a little better after surgery. My whole belly will be pissed off then too. I may not be certain what I feel is the baby until I get a big old kick. Wait see I guess.

Mike's appointment went okay. His blood pressure was much lower (much lower than usual) when he went in so they said he didn't need any medication. They gave him some instructions for his nose and some medicine, but didn't really DO anything. They drew blood and they said his blood sugar would have to be much higher before they, basically, gave a crap. Great. I couldn't reach Mike before his appointment or I would have gone with him. I was in the position with work that I could have left. He needed a pushy wife there with him. He doesn't always share all the info, ask the right questions, or HEAR what they are telling him. I don't blame him. It is hard to get everything you need in what seems like a split second visit. I know sometimes I forget something, but then I call. I usually go in with a written list.

I have only talked to my family about everything that is going on. My family has a better grasp of medical stuff than Mike's. I am now avoiding them. Mike talked to his mother yesterday and she flipped. According to him, she didn't seem to care much about me and how sick I am, just about what is going to happen to her grandchild. My SIL is coming today or tomorrow and will be here until Wednesday, I think. I think I will stick with the avoidance. I just don't feel like going over it again. I mean I state the facts and the plan and they just don't have a clue. To top it off, the surgeon that I do truly trust my life with, they don't like very much. He had to tell them that my FIL had severe colon cancer a few years back and now they don't like him. I know he explained everything to them, but what he said and what they heard weren't exactly the same thing. There is nothing I can do about that, I just know this is the right doctor. They had the best surgeon we have. I don't doubt that he is better than many other surgeons. That should make me feel better right? I will keep telling my self that.

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