Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What a day off

Yesterday was a much better day off than today. I did feel so much better after getting some highlights and trim. It made me realise I am going to have to go back again though before I have the baby. My hair is very thin and fine and I have to baby it as far as what I do to it chemically, but I'm still going back soon. It will just get shorter and shorter. Oh well.

I went to a home improvement store afterwards to pick up a few painting supplies to get the damn bathroom done. I was hoping the weather would be nice today and I would take the cabinet doors off and take them outside and get them finished. It was so nice of Mike to get them up for when we had company at Thanksgiving but there they still sit with just primer on them! I love Mike dearly and he IS a very handy guy. He can fix plumbing, he thinks he can do wiring (although everything he had done was better than we started with), and he can fix anything with a motor. He just sucks and getting big things finished or little things done. Anyway, so I know that I am just going to have to open the windows and finish the touch ups and take off the doors and do it myself. (good things to know when looking for a new house, definitely not a fixer-upper). Anyway, I saw this guy that I used to have a bit of a crush on years ago at this store. I felt sad, for him. He is exactly the same. I suppose at 30 or 31 that isn't the worst thing in the world but still. He pulled in the same time I did and I waited to see who in our rural community could possibly own that car. I was expecting a midlife crisis age man to get out not someone my age. I then saw him a number of times through the store and did truly feel sad for him. He had to stop and talk to any woman in tight jeans. He isn't all that age discriminatory either (surprisingly). I was just sad that he hasn't moved out of that stage of his life yet. Then I though, what the hell was I ever thinking?!?

I didn't feel good again last night. I have been having GI problems again since Friday or Saturday and it was really uncomfortable. I was kind of anxious with it. I really wished Mike had been home. I don't know what he could possibly have done, I just wanted him. I did go to sleep in his huge chair last night and that helped some. This is random, but I hate feet. They gross me out something terrible. Mike has nasty, truly nasty feet that smell so bad. In general I want to be no where near his big stinky feet or shoes. Here is the sad thing, when he is out on a run I wear his nasty slippers around the house, just because they are his.

So today, I had an appointment with my regular doctor to refill all my allergy and asthma medications. It was fine. I got there early because I needed to update my name and insurance since I haven't been there for awhile. All of the offices seem to want to add Mike to my account and not vice versa. What does that say? I go more often or I am more responsible about prompt payment of my bill? I just thought that was interesting. I mean the insurance is through his work. I don't know but I have gone to the eye doctor, dentist, and now the family practice and it has been the same. Anyway, I got out of the office pretty quickly which was nice. She was concerned about my current illness, which I said I know I am just to the waiting for it to end stage. She was concerned about my voice though and said if it isn't better by next week I need steroids. I don't do steroids well and she knows that.

Then I got to go to the pharmacy and fill all my inhaler prescriptions and the pharmacist tried to give me a lecture. I wouldn't let him. I told him that now of these were new medications for me and I was fine. I was tickled pink about the bill though. I walked out paying $30 for what would have cost me more than $150 with the insurance I had through the hospital. I came home and Mike had been rudely awakened by someone ringing our doorbell. He was not happy and they were gone by the time he got some pants on. I saw that it was some missionaries that he had just told not to come to our house this weekend. He would have been so mad if they had been there! Mike got up and argued with our insurance company for awhile. My transition from one company to the other has not been smooth. I signed up for his insurance during open enrollment to start at the first of the year. I couldn't change when we got married because I was having problems with my wrist and had already been seeking treatment for it. Surgery would cure the problem, but if I changed to Mike's insurance it would be preexisting and I wouldn't be able to get it covered for two years! So I didn't change since we knew I could in a few months. Well, when I signed up for Mike's insurance they made the coverage retroactive back to the day we got married. Then they didn't want to pay when I cancelled my insurance because they said they were my secondary insurance company. What a freaking nightmare this has been. I still haven't seen a bill for anything related to the baby and I am scared. One day I will get these bills in the mail and they will all be due upon receipt for tons of money. One of the VERY first things the nurse went over with us was a price sheet breaking down every lab, ultrasound, and visit. These numbers made me want to quit my job and get medicaid! Thank God for insurance, once we ever get it straightened out! When we were looking into infertility testing and treatments Mike just couldn't believe our insurance wouldn't pay anything and how much it was going to cost. I just don't know how we could have done it. He would have done anything for me, but I know how. Anyway, I hope today he got it straightened out. It has been so nice because he hasn't made me do any of the calling and hassle. How responsible!

Then as we ate lunch Mike got a nose bleed. He gets the occasional nose bleed but this was like what I see as a postop bleed. He lost A LOT of blood before it got stopped. After he held pressure for 15 min I looked at it. It was pumping. I called the ENT to see if we should go to their office or go to the ER. The only doctor there was in an office surgery so I grabbed both our stuff and pulled poor Mike to the ER. He bleed heavily for an hour and five minutes before it stopped spontaneously. I was shocked that they didn't draw blood from him to check his H&H. Believe me, I know what a lot of blood looks like and this qualified. He lost a liter of blood. I'm sure he had that to spare (he is a smoker and if you didn't know smokers have more of the oxygen carrying component in their blood, for obvious reasons, than nonsmokers. It also means he should clot faster!) God only knows what that visit cost. I was so glad I was home. He doesn't do well with blood. So today was not a restful day. I didn't get anything done that I needed to, but we did go by a humidifier. I sure that would have been quite a help for me these past two weeks had I thought of it. I'm just ready for bed, I think!


Unknown said...

Asthma is very distressing for people who suffer from this ailment and for the people around

them. Sometimes it is fatal if action is not taken. However, the good news is that this

disease of the lungs can be treated. People have lived comfortably with asthma all through

their lives by adjusting their lifestyle and often taking some medications.

Unknown said...

Asthma is very distressing for people who suffer from this ailment and for the people around

them. Sometimes it is fatal if action is not taken. However, the good news is that this

disease of the lungs can be treated. People have lived comfortably with asthma all through

their lives by adjusting their lifestyle and often taking some medications.