Monday, February 19, 2007

Weekends are too short

Every weekend is too short. I could barely drag my feet out of bed this morning. I just kept thinking I should have another day off. Oh well, one of my coworkers offered to work for me next Monday and that will give me a four day weekend so I suppose I can make it until then. I just have to take it one day at a time.

I managed to keep pretty busy this weekend. My mom came to town Saturday and I went to lunch with her and shopping. She wore me out. I don't think she took a breath for five and a half hours. She had all sorts of things to show me and things to tell me about the new place she is renting. When she shows up, we take my car and leave hers behind and then I have some control over what is happening. I can't stand riding in her car and it does make me sick even when I am not pregnant. You get so used to driving something up off the ground and it is hard to ride in a car!

My mom shamed me. She pulled out all this fabric left over from a blanket she made my nephew and she was asking if there where any squares I liked or would "work" with my colors. I told her we are waiting to find out what we are having before we decide. She got pissed because I said "we." In the end, I will probably make the color decisions and it will be more like which shade do you like better honey. She just couldn't believe I couldn't make those decisions on my own. I can, I just haven't and want to have my husband's input. Besides, what I told her was the honest truth. I haven't thought about it. I have been focusing on making it through each and every day and that is it. I have only had hope that I would feel better. I do now if it wasn't for the bronchitis and crap.

Then I felt guilty because I haven't started looking into anything for my child. I still stand by the surviving bit and the fact that I have time on my side still. So now I have started asking questions and looking into things on the internet. We have a pretty sad selection that is available to us locally.

I was able to get out of some of the shopping because I said I was too tired. I was too tired to cope with my mother any longer. I came home and put on some pj's and just hung out. I decided to work on some more laundry and so I trudged to the basement and got to work. Mike had changed the litter box for me earlier so I could work down there and he said it smelled in there. I thought, duh, you just changed the cat box that you should have changed last weekend. But then I smelled something too, natural gas. The house we live in is about fifty years old, so is the furnace and water heater - both gas. I got myself out of the basement, came up and called Mike because he was out running around. I started opening windows and doors and he came home. He went down and smelled it too. Great. Just what we need. I got the heck out because he made me and he called the gas company. He wouldn't get my animals out and he wouldn't let me back in! He did at least let me out of the driveway because I was just getting ready to make myself dinner when this happened. I got some fast food (still in the pj's) and went over to his parent's empty house to wait. Their dog just kept farting on me and I thought that was worse than the gas at my house.

To stop rambling, they found nothing. That didn't make me feel better. Mike did smell it too. (it was mentioned a few times that maybe I was just "too sensitive" because of the pregnancy). Whatever, now I am going to be constantly on the sniff. That just reinforces that we need to move.

Sunday was a beautiful day. It was 60 degrees and a sun was wonderful. I missed some of it because I took a two and a half hour nap, but it was a good day. The weather changes too fast. Now it is in the low 30s rain has changed into huge snowflakes that are just beating down. That will be nice, since everything will have a layer of ice under it. Oh well.

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