Monday, February 12, 2007


We had our first ultrasound yesterday. I scanned in the pictures last night when I got home from having dinner with the in-laws, but Mike put in a new program and I was too tired to figure out how to get all my personal information cropped or colored out. It was cool. I was a few minutes late getting out of work so I just went straight to the dr's office since it is in the same complex as the hospital. Mike was at home and coming up to meet me. He didn't want to get there as early as I was so he waited. They took me back early!! When is anything at a doctor's office ahead of schedule?!?! I had to call Mike and leave a voice mail because he was in the elevator I think to get his ass up there. She started without him, but he still got to see everything he cared to see. It didn't matter how many times I told him at home that we wouldn't be able to tell gender yet, he still had to ask.

Thankfully, we have one baby. There is a strong family history of twins in my family and some in Mike's. My hope was that since we had to work this hard to get pregnant there would just be one. One very active baby. She was having trouble measuring anything because it flipped around so much. We saw the ventricles in the brain, the bladder, stomach, heart. We saw two arms, two legs, two ears and two eyes. We could count five fingers on one hand. The facial bones all showed up well (which is a little creepy). She said the baby measures a couple days larger than dates but still in the range. That surprised me because I was expecting her to tell us it was 3 or 4 days smaller, since we know exactly when I ovulated. Whatever, in the end I don't predict having a small baby. I cried and then choked because I was trying hard not to cry. You would think the tech would see a lot of crying but she acted like I was unusual. This baby that I have wanted so badly can finally be real to me. I could see a heart beating. I could see that it was moving around and looked all right. I could see that the placenta was nicely nestled in at the top of my uterus. Of course now I want a weekly appointment to just "see" that everything is going alright in there.

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