Sunday, February 25, 2007

Conversation with a dumbass

Dumbass: It's good to see you. How are you guys doing?

Me: We are doing well. We are going to have a baby.

Dumbass: Congratulations, when are you due?

Me: August 22

Dumbass: Wow, you didn't plan that very well did you?

This is when the throb starts behind my eyes and I start seeing red. Then my tongue forks and my head spins around a few times. All sorts of words form but I am too polite to say them.

Instead, Me: We're happy to take what we can get.

Generally the conversation seems to end there. I can't tell you how many times I have heard this. Every time it makes me angrier than the time before. The last two were the worst and I wasn't quite as polite to one of them. See, it was the daughter of one of my coworkers. She brought her little boy up to visit. The little boy SHE got pregnant with when she was a junior in high school! And she says I didn't plan that very well! What I said to her was that for some of us it takes more than one try to get pregnant. The other one was someone who knows we have been trying and talked to me about her own infertility problems. That one hurt.

What the hell is wrong with people?

1 comment:

Hopeful Mother said...

Plans? Other than planning my IVF cycle, there is no such thing as planning a pregnancy in my world!

That would frustrate me too...