Monday, April 30, 2007

I made it yet again

I made it through the weekend but I didn't much like being around myself. I have been a giant bitch. I tried very hard not to be bad a work since I do have another person glued to my hip. Poor thing. She already wanted to get her tubes tied before she had to work with me. Did you know insurance won't pay for it unless you have had a child? At least the two different insurances that she is eligible for won't. That doesn't seem right.

We had to work twelve hours yesterday. It sucked and I was so tired. But it could have been much worse. None of the cases were bad. Nothing truly life threatening or horribly demanding and it was twelve hours of much needed double time. We did operate on the same patient we worked on Friday and he is still critical but the surgery was much less difficult and he was more stable. The thing that pisses me off the most is that the cafeteria at the hospital closes at 1400 on Saturdays and Sundays. I get cranky when I am hungry when I am not pregnant. Now it hits me even harder. Those poor people I had to work with.

I was mad at my husband all weekend too. He went to his sister's house on Saturday to take her some furniture from his Grandma's house. Did he get anything? No, and he had to pay for the gas in a pick up for a trip that is about 350 miles (round trip). I know he wanted to go see his sister, but we were supposed to go this coming weekend. We were planning on staying in a hotel and doing some shopping for the baby. We had been planning this now because he is on vacation of course, but also because my birthday is the next weekend. Well, because it took so damn long for him to get his training done and then because of my surgery we really can't afford it. That alone pisses me off. I hate when something messes with my financial planning. I don't like surprises. Darn it all if life isn't full of them. So, being the responsible one of us, I said we really can't go especially since he went last weekend. I don't know if we will be able to leave town again before the baby. I was really counting on being able to get to some stores where I can lay my hands on some of the things that I have been looking at on the internet. I am extremely thankful that I can go online and have access to anything my heart desires, but somehow I want to pick up and mess with car seats and strollers. I just don't want to spend a punch of money and get something that is difficult for me to use. There can't be enough positive reviews on something because I'm going to be the one person out there that can't get it to fold, flip, or clip or whatever it is supposed to do. I am starting to panic a bit because we have nothing yet. I told my husband last week we need to go to tar.get and register and he didn't have a clue you registered for anything when you have a baby. I think he thinks he will be able to get stuff like when we got married.

I am cranky too because my face isn't changing. The only thing that has changed is that it now feels tight instead of heavy and droopy. It feels like it is being pulled back now. This weekend was murder on my eye though. I couldn't get it to close very well at all most of the day yesterday. I need time to rest and relax. My job and husband aren't very cooperative with that.

The fu$*^*g bathroom floor still isn't done yet. Nope, not yet. I'm just not sure how difficult one man can make this but my husband is doing his best. I do feel a tiny bit bad for him because it was almost 90 degrees today. Of course, if he had gotten up and started it this morning like I had encourage it wouldn't have been so hot when he was in there working. The real thing I was worried about was that the ONE stupid toilet we have in this house would not be working when I needed it. Well, he did pull the toilet to rip up the floor under it and get the last of the wall painted that was behind it. He also made a template of the floor (I did help because I want the floor to fit) for cutting the real floor. It can't be normal to have extra wax rings in your garage for toilets? We do. Good thing since he has to pull the toilet again tomorrow to actually put the floor down. Good thing I work until 1930 tomorrow. With Gods help (a nagging, crying wife certainly can't make it happen) the floor will be in. I am just worried that he will make it "good enough" and not as it needs to be.

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