Tuesday, April 03, 2007

20 weeks

I can't believe I am at 20 weeks. Some it feels like it has been so much longer and then other times I just can't believe where the time has gone. I REALLY need to get to work on figuring out what it is we need for this little Tiger. I don't foresee getting out of this house so I need to work on getting it cleaned up, rooms moved around, so we have a place to put the baby. We are going to have to move our office into the basement and that is just going to kill me. I hate our basement. I avoid going down there at all costs. But better the computer down there than the baby and I doubt the two can share a room very well. That is going to mean that my husband is going to have to do some new wiring and he will be excited about that. Really, he will be.

My first day back was short and long. It was good to see most of the people that were there. My charge nurse wasn't there and that was really nice for my first day back. It is sad that everyone is in a better mood... I didn't even have the chance to talk to my director either so it was great. I didn't sort through any paper work, read any emails, or catch up on our daily reprimands. I thought I would try to make the first day pleasant. I figured there is always tomorrow.

I did come home and sit in the throne and I don't think I even saw half of my soap. I tried and dosed for the first 45 minutes and then I decided I had better eat something before I really feel asleep. I feel asleep with the plate on my lap. I slept for a couple of hours then. I am still tired. I was ready to come home after 2 hours but I want to save as much of my time as possible. I am now right on the edge as far as having enough hours to get paid for six weeks off when the baby comes. I know that when the time gets closer they will cut me back and I think then what they usually do to protect our hours is put us at part time instead of full. I don't know I haven't wanted to worry about it until we get there. I'm just trying to hoard my time until then.

My dogs weren't ready to go back to our routine. I think they kind of liked the new routine where they got to wake me up and start the day. I had to get each of them up and coerce them to go outside and take care of business. I think I had to drag each of them and they both gave me dirty looks! I was afraid getting up so early that I might get sick but I didn't. I didn't feel well and I had to stop and take deep breaths a couple of times, but I didn't throw up! I wonder how long it will take before I stop counting the days?


Kirsten said...

I know, it is so crazy how fast time is flying. I was just thinking yesterday about how it's really time to start planning the nursery and things like that. For these first few months, it's just been something I've put in the back of mind, almost as if I thought I'd never really get to this point. But, here we are! I figure that you & I will probably deliver (hopefully for me) right around the same time since they won't let me get to 40 weeks with twins. They told me they hope to at least get me to 37 but I'm going to go as long as I can.
And I'm in the same position as you with my time at work, too. We can carry over 5 days of annual and 5 days of vacation each year on our anniversary date and mine's coming up this month but I am right on the edge of cutting into my 5 days of each so I'm trying not to miss any work. We don't have official maternity leave here, unfortunately, so I'll just be using that time with my regular time given each year, which should give me 8 weeks of paid leave.
Hope the dogs get back into the routine soon! It can be hard; I remember Copper used to love when I'd be home for a few days following surgery...I could tell he missed it when we had to get back to getting up early!
Glad you are feeling better and keep resting : )

Carol said...

Glad to hear that you're getting back into the swing of things. Take it easy.