Tuesday, April 17, 2007


My husband is finished. His manager said he didn't need to do another run after the run they did today and he is FINALLY finished. He got away with one round trip short of his eighty round trips. I am so relieved and so is he. This is finally over. Now we can move, and face whatever they toss at us now. We know that after his vacation Mike will have to be gone for about two weeks and that sucks but we can handle that. I have always liked having my space when he is gone, but I am starting to miss him more and more. I think it is because I haven't been doing as much and need his help more.

My face hurt something awful today. I got to leave work early to go to my acupuncture appointment and 1330. By that time I felt like my whole left cheek and forehead was going to explode. My jaw was hurting and causing pain to go down my neck. The adjustment and the acupuncture did seem to help. A number of people have told me how wonderful it is and how it doesn't hurt. Well, I wouldn't say it didn't hurt. I don't know how many needles most treatments require but I had fourteen. The ones in my arms were fine and were actually numb when they pulled them out. The one in the top of my head now feels bruised. The ones in my ears and neck weren't too bad, but the ones on my face hurt. The two in my forehead hurt the whole time they were in there and then didn't want to pull out. I know the muscles in my forehead were really sore before going into it so I'm sure that didn't help. I don't know how it is supposed to feel, but it felt weird. I had like spasms in my face for awhile until it calmed down and then much of the pain was in fact better. He did adjust my neck and that did make me feel better too. He said that he has treated a number of people with Bell's Palsy and they do get better faster. I hope so. I don't know how many times I will have to go and if my insurance will cover any of this. At this point I don't really care. I can put up with my face feeling like a dart board and then paying for it if it helps. My eye really started having problems today and I don't know how I can make it at work if it doesn't start to get better soon.

I laid there and tried to relax as I had these needles in me and Tiger kept kicking the heck out of me. He did that last night too as I was trying to go to sleep. I had terrible heartburn like pain from the prednisone and I couldn't sleep. He just kept womping me. So I laid in bed and talked to him for awhile. Last week I really started to notice a change in the movements that I feel. The bangs have become much more forceful and kind of funny. Sometimes it is like I can feel fluid sloshing around that little appendage that smacked me. I feel almost all of the whacks along my left side. I had to sit at a pointless work meeting tonight and Tiger poked at something almost the entire hour and a half. It makes me feel better to feel him moving so much and more often. At my last appointment they said it would still be at least another two to three weeks before my feeling his movements would be really regular and measurable. I just didn't know at what point I should be concerned about not feeling him more for a length of time. I just knew we weren't there yet and I needed to know when I had permission to worry about something new.

I have to try to go to bed soon. I have my first day of call since before my surgery tomorrow and my room for the day is HORRIBLE. I don't know why my charge nurse does that. She is being all nice to me right now because I have this ailment. When you have some major crisis in your life and she can swoop in and seem like she is saving you, things are fine. I have to not be able to move half my face for my supervisor to me decent to me???

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