Friday, April 06, 2007

First week back, kind of

I made it through my first partial week back of work. I am terrified for next week. I stayed a little later today, almost until noon! I called my husband to see if he had gone to work yet and he was still home, but trying to sleep so I decided I would go run some dreaded errands before coming home.

I went to the store and that was exhausting. Everyone and their dog was there getting ready for Easter weekend. I was hungry but I didn't really want to eat. What I thought I wanted was one of Carol's smoothies. (not smart enough to create a link). She has talked about smoothies a bit and it has made me want them. So I went ingredient shopping. I have been able to eat just about anything now since my surgery, but I am still a little gun shy I guess. I get hungry more often but I tend to only eat lunch early and dinner late. Then I try to get in an afternoon snack. I don't eat a whole lot either but it is doing the trick because I am gaining weight now.

So I get up to the check out and I look into my cart. I was embarrassed. Apparently I was hungry for more that just a smoothie. I had everything there to try a few different flavors, but I also seemed to have a lot of chocolate. I had chocolate brownie bites with cream cheese frosting. I had chocolate cream filled pastry horns (I've never even had those before). I had two kinds of snack cookies (oatmeal with cream filling and chocolate with chocolate filling). I wasn't sure when all these items dove of the shelves into my cart. I chuckled to my self because it looked like a case of PMS to me and I suspect to the guy in line after me.

I walked in my door carrying groceries and found a grizzly bear sleeping in my living room instead of my husband. I, apparently, opened the door to loud and also hung my coat on the door knob too loudly. I calmly suggested the bear go climb in bed instead of the chair because he might sleep better. Then I was informed that I was mean and crabby and the bear would have to go to the bedroom to get any sleep. So I put my grocery away and was able to make my smoothie without disturbing the bear any further. Oh the smoothie was good! Some how, however, it appears that I may have sampled these items that dove into my cart while I was making my smoothie. I'm not sure how that happened or when. So I took my smoothie and then I got in the chair and covered up with the blanket left behind by the bear and I promptly passed out after I finished the smoothie.

The bear woke me up when he was heading to work. I had a lap full of cats at that time and I was all snuggly warm, but I wasn't crabby with him. He wanted know what was so disgusting looking in my glass and I told him I had made a smoothie. He acted like it was poison and kissed the top of my head for fear the fruit might kill him.

Occasionally, I am not reminded how much I love my husband. This wasn't that bad though. He doesn't wake up at all well. I am looking forward to this with the baby. He is stressed though because the engineer that has been training him took this trip up and back off so he is having to work with someone else he doesn't like. I was thinking when he left that I was sure glad I wouldn't be a fly on the wall. He was starting with such a positive outlook and all. He didn't want to take the trip either but he knew he had to so he could come to our ultrasound next week. He made the right choice, but someone is going to pay for it. He needs to be done with this training and on his own so badly. I think he and his trainer are ready for him to be done. The end is so close but he still has to make it to that finish line. He had to drive 80 round trips and he will be completing trips 73 and 74 with this. I just keep telling myself we are almost there! Almost to a regular pay check. He still has to do a "qualifying run" which is a driving test with his manager. My husband is not a good test taker when it is on paper, but he very good at demonstration tests. His manager, whom he just met, also seems to be fair and nice. Obviously, we all want someone qualified to be driving a train, but I think his manager will help him with his test anxiety. I have compromised people in my care everyday and I can handle that responsibility, but the responsibility of a giant coal train weighing more tons that imaginable (he knows how much every car on his train weighs) throttling forward as much as 60 miles an hour scares the pee out of me!

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