Tuesday, April 10, 2007

21w and the verdict is in

To many, my news may not be as exciting as "whose the daddy" results for the poor baby of An.na Ni.cole, but for us it was good. Our first picture here is of Tiger's giant foot and the heel of the other foot. That IS a big foot. The doctor's appointment went well. I officially gained 3 pounds since my last OB appointment. I didn't tell them that I had lost even more weight with and after surgery so unofficially I have gained six of the lost pounds.

I didn't feel good most of Sunday and then again pretty much all of today. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it out of the bathroom this morning in time to make it to work. I really hate getting sick now. I won't go into it, but it is so much worse than before surgery. Anyway, I have to get some prescription support hose. I haven't been able to find any maternity support hose. I found regular pantyhose on website, but not actual support hose. I have the veins of my father's family and that is not a good thing. I have tried wearing support hose before and it hasn't worked well. It is just kind of a given that nurses should wear support hose, but I have so much trouble with anything on my skin like that. Well, the veins now bulging in my lower legs are telling me that I am going to have to try and suck it up before they fall out.

I thought the NT scan was supposed to give us a long look at the baby, but that ultrasound was shorter than the one I had today. We looked at pretty much every system of the body in detail. She took lots of measurements and pictures for our chart. Most of the pictures we got were 3D and they didn't scan worth a crap. They look freaky as a matter of fact. Tiger's arm and face were pushed up against the uterine wall and so there wasn't much fluid in front of the face to get very good images. We did however, get great views of the legs and some very good shots of our son's genitals since most of the amniotic fluid was down there. Here is a lovely view of my son's erect penis, looking from his feet up towards his head. His legs are obviously wide apart and he is frog legged. This was pretty much the first view the tech gave us so the suspense didn't kill us. I think my husband was a little disappointed the baby isn't a girl, but he is okay. He asked if she was sure and she said there was only one thing that this could possibly be. She took a lot of different pictures of the baby's heart and then went back again at the end and took more. I asked her if she was seeing something unusual or abnormal and she told me no, that they just take that many. I asked the doctor later when I saw him and he said everything was fine.
We called family and took the pictures over to show my inlaws. I think Grandpa was proud, but pretty much everyone else was disappointed. I know both of the Grandmas were wanting a girl. My sister has gotten rid of most of her stuff from her boys being babies, but she saved a few things for me. I would have bought a lot of things from her as she sold them if I had known when she was selling them. She had really nice things. I really liked their crib and changing table that she did get rid of. Oh well, where would I have stored it all. Besides, if I had bought all the clothes she has sold, I would have only had girls. So now we can start trying to pick a name and start looking for baby stuff!


Kirsten said...

Yep. That's gotta be a little boy!!! Congrats!!! I keep looking at my u/s pictures because I swear one of the "money" shots has a little something extra in the middle. I even asked my OB if they are sure about the results (she didn't see the pics) and she said "yes, they wouldn't tell you if they weren't sure and they've never made a mistake with my patients". So, guess it really is 2 girls for us but I'm definitely going to get a good, long look at our next u/s!!!
My FIL was a little dissapointed...he asked Daniel "are you sure there aren't any boys in there?" and my MIL said "oh....really???" when we told her. Not exactly the excitement I was hoping for but, oh well!!! As long as mommy & daddy are happy, that is all that matters : )
Sorry you are still getting sick; I know that's got to be rough on top of the other pregnancy-related stuff. I am having a hard enough time getting used to my expanding belly. It's crazy...I feel like I could pass for 7 months pregnant!! I am keeping an eye on my veins, too. My mom didn't have varicose but she got very bad spider veins when she was pregnant. So, I'm just waiting!
Congrats again on the little boy and let me know when you pick a name!

Hopeful Mother said...