Friday, June 01, 2007

OB appointment

Well, I went in for my appointment today. Two weeks ago a nurse that I have deal with for work called and said my appointment had to be changed (I'm wondering if I wrote something about this) because my doctor had to help one of his partners in the OR. Okay... She wanted to move my appointment to 1100. That won't work, because that is when I have to be at work and there is no one available to cover for me. I can't stand this woman. She is the one that has to fill out paper work for say, being off work for me and my husband. My husband had to take family medical leave to be off at all. Thank God it exists. I took in the third set of papers for her to fill out for him today, because his work has rejected the last two. We were informed at our first visit by her that "this is what I do everyday, I know how how to fill these out." Mike had tried to explain something to her and got that response. He feels about her the same way I do. So anyway, we will see if the freaking third time is the charm.

So, she tells me she will put me down for a 1015 appointment, and to come in at 0945 and hopefully they can get me seen, but you know how surgery is. Yes, I do know how surgery is. I know that time isn't black and white. I couldn't schedule for another day at that point because I didn't have a work schedule that was completed at that time and they couldn't get me in any other day this week anyway. Next week was actually when my appointment was supposed to be, but my doctor is going to be gone for two weeks. His son that graduated from high school with my husband is graduating from medical school in Chicago and they are moving him to Denver to do his residency. So anyway, I went in thinking I wouldn't even get to see the doctor, but fortunately I was able to see him in a timelier fashion than usual. I begged my coworkers that were in the case he was helping with to do whatever they could to get him the heck out of there. I told them I was impressed.

So back to the important things, the appointment went well. I managed to lose the 0.4 lbs that I gained last month. I still can't believe this. My blood pressure is the same it has been, which is always a little high when I go to their office. We are measuring well and he sounds good. The doctor came in looked at the notes written by the nurse and said "this has sure been a long pregnancy for you hasn't it?" As I am "hopping" up onto the exam table I say "Dr. H, I still have a long time to go." He chuckled and told me I was right. I thought I would be seeing someone in two weeks. At the last appointment we talked about starting every two at thirty, but he said everything was fine and he wanted me to come back in four to see him. That way we are still on the even weeks and I don't see someone else while he is gone. I can tell when I go out to make my next appointment that this is a little unusual, but they always do it. (I mean make all my appointments with just him).

My husband just called. He is on his rest away from home right now. He said he just received a call that he was "bumped." I was confused because he is generally the one that does the bumping. That means that someone has knocked him out of the pool position he is in. To be in a pool means that you have a "job" in a rotation. It makes his going to work a little more predictable if that can be true with the railroad. They also have to go a little less often then the people on the extra board. Those are the people that fill in where ever there are openings in the pool positions. It is tremendously complex and it has taken a bit to grasp all of this. You have to have seniority over someone to be able to bump them out of their pool position. He has enough seniority that there aren't many people that can bump him so I was shocked when he said he was bumped. Two years ago this was a common thing to happen, but not now. He said he was bumped by the railroad when I asked who could have done this to him. He said they called and bumped him to now be an engineer! This is great. This is what all the torture for since last summer has been about. He is nervous because he hasn't driven a train in awhile and now he will have to do it all on his own. I remember how it was when he started as a conductor. He gets really worked up because he wants to do everything perfectly. We want him to do a good job, I mean he IS in a giant coal train speeding down the track, right? He is just meticulous about it when some others might not be so much so. This also puts him back at the bottom of the seniority ladder and that means he will have to work on the extra board and that will suck for awhile. It means he will have less time off in between trips and he won't like that. It will take a lot more time now for him to gain any seniority because there are so many people ahead of him. Oh well, we have nothing but time right?

I can not believe how much Tiger moves now. and how dramatic it is. I love to sit and watch my belly move. It is amazing! He turned some tonight and it was a bit uncomfortable and then he seemed to be "stretching" his arms and legs a lot! I think he is just beating me, but we will call it stretching. Feeling and seeing him move makes this feel so real.

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