Thursday, June 28, 2007


Today was my friend's daughter's funeral and it was hard. I have never been to a funeral for such a young person before. It was all handled very well, but I guess that is what those people do. I have never seen so many flowers before. The church was huge and I'm not sure on a good guess as to how many people were there. The sanctuary wasn't big enough to hold every one either. I would think there were at least 800 people there.

Her mom said on Monday that she didn't think they would be able to do an open casket but they did. I have a terrible time looking at dead people, but I think with so many kids there it maybe was good. I think they may have needed it for a couple of reasons. One to see her and know it is real and two to see her and know what can happen to you. I just some how think that once your spirit is free the body left behind looks different. It is just a shell and not you. I don't know. It was just so hard. It didn't look like the beautiful Katy I have known. The hands always bother me. They just never look right. Her hands were all black and blue.

At least my boss worked it out so we were able to close all but two operating rooms so that almost everyone could go. She even stayed and worked in one of the rooms so that one more person could go. I thought that was nice of her. Upon a rare occasion she can do things like that.

It always amazes me how powerful music can be. I don't know who picked all the songs that were played but every single one seemed so appropriate. Again, I know that is what funeral homes do and they are good at that, but I know it was all music that she liked. I just can't imagine her mom was able to make those selections right now. The music had me crying and Jake just going nuts. I don't think it was me being upset because I seem to cry like that all the time right now. He was moving like crazy and I experienced my first through about a million kicks to the ribs while there. Ironically, I was seated next to a nurse practitioner that I was working with today and works at my OB office. She could see that he was beating me up.

I don't know how you can say a funeral was nice but it was. I guess you say a celebration of some one's life. Lots of stories were told and you got a very good picture of this young woman. She was and is a very loved girl. My heart just goes out to her mother. I pray that I am never put in this position, nor is anyone. Her mom is a very strong woman. I have seen her go through a lot in the years that I have known her. I know she can survive this too, but I never seen her like this before. I can't imagine anyone acting any different in this situation. I just hope she will accept the love and support of her friends. Please God, help her through this.

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