Friday, June 15, 2007

Another Friday

This morning I woke up with a bad headache and a neck ache. It was very much like the one I woke up with on Friday, April 13. This time however it was the right side of my neck not the left. I didn't want to get out of bed. I was terrified. The pain wasn't quite as bad, but still bad and in the exact same place but mirrored. I wanted to be heavily medicated and just sleep through the day and wake up tomorrow to know what is to be. But since that wasn't going to happen I pulled my ass out of bed and got ready for work. The damn headache just kept getting worse and worse.

I got my room setup at work and then went to find the ENT that was working. He is one on the doctors that has been with me on this since the beginning. I asked him if this could be happening again and he told me no. I reminded him that he said my face wasn't going to be paralysed like this the first time. He said he has only seen it happen once in 30 years and told me it wasn't going to happen to me. I was still scared and anxious most of the morning. The headache kept getting worse and spread up the back of the right side of my head and wrapped around to the front. Sadly this miserable headache was a relief. It was just a bad, no horrible, headache. If this happened to the other side of my face I think it would be more than I could handle. The left side of my face is making progress, but still not at all good. I wouldn't be able to speak and eating would be nightmare, and my poor eyes. I just keep thanking God that things are going well with the baby since the rest of me is falling apart. I know that many of my friends and coworkers are almost as worried as I am about what might happen to me next. I know that we all are aware that there are still a lot of pregnancy related things that could go wrong. I just keep praying that God is going to carry me through this.

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