Monday, September 25, 2006

It could be worse...

Today wasn't a terrible day at work. I was supposed to have my annual evaluation but I couldn't get out of a room to do it. I had to stay late at work but it wasn't as late as I thought it was going to be. I am thinking both of these things are good, right. I went and bought some dog food and picked up a couple of toys for the puppy. I wanted to drop off a couple of disposable cameras that haven't been developed from the wedding yet. I went in and I came out and I was annoyed because someone had parked really close to me in a tight parking lot. I got in my car and pulled out and as I was straightening out I smelled this nasty chemical smell. Then I felt a jerk in the steering wheel. "Oh no!" I thought. I got out across the road to my next destination and looked under my car. There was something along these lines going on, only it was in a hissing stream. I said screw it to what I was doing on got in my car and drove home. I now have no power steering left and I am assuming that is all that is wrong. I come home to find my neighbors car in my driveway and my husband bent over it. He is being nice enough to replace the starter for the neighbor who is in his eighties. This makes me chuckle because I used to take a car I had to my neighbor's son-in-law's shop for repairs.

Anyway, I wait my turn. My husband gets a little mad at me. He knows I didn't do anything, but he knows it will be expensive and, most importantly, he doesn't like fixing power steering. Mike had to wash everything off because there was fluid everywhere under my hood. He had to put some fluid in to see what was going on. Fortunately, there is just a hole in a hose. It looks like it will cost close to $300 for just the hose, but Mike can fix it. He looked it up on the internet and it is going to be a big pain, but he can still fix it. Whatever it was he was looking at said it would take 3hrs. So if we had to pay for the hose, the hose markup, and labor this would kill me. But thank God I have Mike. Thank God he was home! This still sucks because I am supposed to drive to New Mexico in two weeks and there is still a chance things could be worse, but thank God I have Mike!

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