Monday, September 11, 2006


Is it our dreams are supposed to be windows into our souls? Maybe I have that wrong. I have been having the strangest dreams lately. I usually wake up remembering a little bit about a dream. Just little snatches. But I have been having the most bizarre, vivid dreams. I wake up remembering everything and often more than one dream. These dreams are bothering me. They are not nightmares. Sometimes there are people from work or my friends and family. Sometimes I don't know a soul there. Last night I remember two dreams and both of them bothered me. Each dream contained people I haven't seen in years and years. Some nights I read before I go to bed and other nights I don't. Reading always helps me relax so I can sleep. My mind is always going and I need that one thing to focus on to settle down. Maybe the book I am reading isn't the right one.

I don't know what dreams mean and how much I believe about that anyway. I have been told a variety of different things by people whose opinions (in general) count to me. I have been told by someone close that vivid dreams about people being injured should be looked into; that you should contact that person and check on them. I have also been told that nothing is as it appears. Everything means something else.

I don't know what to believe. I do know that I, like most people, am chronically stressed. I do know that I have a lot on my mind, but I am to the point that I am worried about what I will dream about each night. I am essentially afraid to go to sleep. But, I can't put it off much longer tonight.

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