Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Melt down

I went to get Jake from daycare today and he was sleeping. It was about 3:20. They told me he had been sleeping since 11:45!!! WTF! I couldn't believe they let him sleep so long. I also know it isn't a good sign that he was sleeping so long. The "girl" also told me that he sounded very hoarse that morning when he cried. GREAT! So I woke my baby up. I changed his wet and dirty diaper and I bundled him up in his bunting. On the way home I had to pull over because I was sobbing. I talked to a couple of people at work this morning and one of them has a son that just turned a year old. He is in the same room at daycare as Jake some of the time. He woke up last night with a terrible Croupy cough, sore throat, and a fever. The other co worker's son has just now after six days started doing better with his Croupy cough. I just felt so horrible about having Jake in daycare, about exposing him to all these snotty nosed, coughing little kids.

When Jake sleeps he pretty much loses all color. He is so pale it scares me. I have to check to make sure he is breathing because he truly looks lifeless. I just had a freak out moment that my little boy could get sick and die. (a family member of someone at work had that happen recently. A baby two months younger than Jake passed away with a respiratory infections). I know this won't happen to us, but it occurred to me that it was possible and I take my baby to germapalooza every day. I know I have to work and I know I am taking him to one of the best daycares in town, but they are me. I just can't stand that something could happen to him and I'm not there. It took me a few minutes to pull myself together so that I could drive again.

(the first picture is when we gave Jake cereal when he was four months old and the other picture is of Jake smacking his lips because he figured out that he could while he was in the hospital. Sorry, both pictures are blurry because he was on the move).


Kirsten said...

I cannot believe that!! Letting him sleep that long!! The other day, the girl at mine was like "oh yeah, they had a GOOD nap today, over 2 hours"...I was so mad. At first, they were feeding them an hour apart from each other. I had to ask them to please feed them at the same time so I'm not spending all evening feeding. They finally got it. And I can't stand it when I pick the girls up and they have dirty diapers. Yesterday, Landry had a pee spot on her outfit and I am not sure why they didn't change her clothes because I always send extra.
I have the same fears as you do. It sucks. My girls' cribs at daycare are right in front of a window and I am so scared a car is going to go flying through there someday. I hate not being there. And the germs. There's just no way around them. This morning a little girl had snot pouring out of both nostrils and was just walking around, touching everything in sight. She tried to come over and play with the toys on Chayse and Landry's carseat but I found a way to distract her and get her away from them...but shouldn't the teachers be doing that?!?!?!? UGH.
Well, I guess we can vent to each other. People tell me the bright side is that our kids will be immune to all the germs once they start school. Not sure it's worth it though :(

Linlee said...

Sending you a hug. It's hard not being with them all the time. Hearing that he turns so pale while sleeping scares me. Have you asked your dr about it? I wonder what causes that.