Sunday, January 27, 2008

Another first

Tonight we went out to dinner, just the two of us, for the first time since before Jake was born. We have never been real big on going out to restaurants to eat. We are much more takeout people. But we did it. It was hard too. I also had a perfect margarita. It was really good. I just couldn't believe how many babies were at the restaurant that were about Jake's age. It was certainly distracting for me. I had to watch them all and criticize the girl behind me that was feeding her baby inappropriate foods. That poor little girl is going to be sick and I thought she was going to choke on some of the things her mom was feeding her. Anyway, we did it. Now I can only imagine what it will be like when it is a babysitter we leave him with not Grandma and Grandpa.

Poor Jakey is sick. He has the runny nose and cough that all the other little ones at daycare have. I feel so bad for him. I wish I could be sick for him. I'm already taking antibiotics but I'm sure what he has is a virus. I have had my closest near miss with mastitis yet. I have had eight plugged ducts now with six of them being in the exact same place. Obviously I have a problem there. I worked with my OB on Thursday and he gave me some antibiotics. I went and talked with the lactation consultants that afternoon too. I forgot how uncomfortable it is to basically bare myself and then be manhandled. It didn't really matter. They helped me. This was the longest I had gone without being able to get the duct to clear and I was in a lot of pain. I am all bruised now from all the rubbing I did. The main lactation consultant was worried about me too. She wanted me to go home and lay in bed for two days. Hello!!! Anyway, between the plugged ducts and the biting baby I would really like to stop breast feeding but I'm not going to just yet. I'm going to try and go to six months still and then re-evaluate. We are almost there. I can make it one more month right?

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