Saturday, May 26, 2007

Not so long weekend

Thank goodness I got the nice long weekend last weekend because this one won't be. I had a very long day a work today and they were still operating when I left. It was so nice to be able to leave though. I have to work Monday too, but at least then I don't have to eat into my pto's. I just dread what we might have to do...

Less than 90 days! I can't believe I am moving into the third trimester this week. Holy crap do we have a lot to do! The patio furniture I got for Mother's Day has been great because my husband and I will sit out there and talk when it is nice. That means there is no damned television to contend with and we actually communicate. He let me in on his plans for getting things accomplished and it helped me feel better. We also have talked about how we are hoping to work things out as far as his work and having the baby. He is really concerned that I will go into labor when he is on a train, particularly worried that it will be on a train headed away from home. I, on the other hand, am thinking that I probably won't ever go into labor. I have been worried about PIH and preterm labor, but I think when it comes time there will be an induction in our future. I am hoping to convince my doctor of that when he is on call and I am in the 39 week. I worked with him this week and he is can really be a hoot. He said just wait until I am about 38 weeks. He said most of his patients come in loving him and leave hating him because they want to be induced then and he won't do it. I told him that I'm sure I will be feeling that way too since it will be stinking August, but at the same time I need to keep that little guy in there as long as I can to get into daycare.

Speaking of daycare, I heard a couple of unfavorable things about the one I am trying to get into. One of my coworkers wanted to inform me of a few things. Well, I am trying not to get too excited about it but I will have to into it farther. The phrase "consider the source" really comes into play here. However, one of the people she said had an issue is a friend and I am planning on calling her next week to get the scoop.

I'm not sure how to take this. I had a nurse from a sister department ask me this week if I was pregnant. She said "please don't take this the wrong way, but I heard a rumor that you are pregnant. Is that true?" Okay, I am a chubby girl and I do wear nothing but scrubs at work, but am I that fat that you can't clearly tell I am pregnant. I thought the giant boobs, the protruding belly, and the waddle gave it away. I came home and told my husband and he laughed!?! How could he turn that around? He said you would have to be blind not to tell I am pregnant, and that I look wonderful. He better say that hadn't he? A lady that works in the cafeteria was surprised today by my saying something about being pregnant. I have a shelf now where I can rest my tray! I am still about five pounds below where I started, but my tummy sticks out a lot farther or my arms are getting short. I have trouble reaching for things because my belly bumps into something in front of it. I can't judge spaces that I can fit through anymore either. I almost took out a tiny coworker yesterday because I thought I could walk through a passage and I was wrong. She apologized to me like she was in my way. No, no it was my boob and belly that got into her way.

Now on the other side of the coin, this week in particular, coworkers have been touching my belly. Why? Surprising to me, of the six people two of them were men! I wasn't too offended. Most of them were just pats and not rubs but still... I can't imagine just reaching over and patting some one's belly who is standing next to me.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

It's amazing what a nice conversation without t.v. can do for a relationship! Since we moved to our new place in January, Daniel and I will now sit in our breakfast room and eat dinner together 2-3 times per week and I LOVE it because we actually talk about how our day was, baby stuff, etc. We used to always just eat in front of the t.v. but I'm so glad we're in this new routine and glad that you guys have your time outside to talk about things. It is so important right now since our days are soon to be a thing of the past!
I can't believe someone would say that to you!! The other night, a girl I know came up to me and said "I have a confession...last time I saw you(about a month ago), I thought you were just getting fat; I didn't know you were pregnant!!" Gee, thanks.
I hope the daycare situation works out okay; it's definitely wise to consider the source. I've got to get my butt in gear and start checking some out.
I've noticed more people rubbing my belly now, too, and I'm not sure how to handle it when it's people I really don't know. I haven't had but 1 or two men do it, one that I knew so that was okay but the other was a total stranger...didn't like that so much.
Hope you are resting and recouping from the work weekend!!!