Sunday, May 13, 2007

100 days left, 100 posts

I made it through yesterday. It wasn't too bad except my mother always manages to piss me off. My husband was wonderful but... I went in the bedroom to get some clothes and he woke up and sang to me and immediately asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I have been very specifically telling him things that I would really like for the last month! He hadn't bought anything except for the chocolate cake that I practically threatened his life over. He was so sweet, he asked if I was surprised that he got me the cake. I looked at him like he was nuts because I thought I made it very clear that he WOULD have chocolate cake for my birthday. He gave me money to buy a ridiculously expensive pair of flip flops that I want. I went to the store in town that I really thought was going to have them last week and I was going to have them set the shoes aside and then just send him in there to get them. I was disappointed that they didn't have them. Oh well, at least there is on-line shopping to save the day again!

My husband took me out to dinner and then my mom showed up shortly after we ordered so dinner wasn't as nice as it was going to be, but we all made it through alive. With my mom, that can be quite and accomplishment. She is really something else and I just have to try to ignore her. I tell my aunt things and I tell her that I don't want to tell my mom and then the next thing I know my mom is saying "so, someone told me..." I guess I can't tell my aunt anymore. I really don't think that my aunt is trying to go against my wishes I just think that she forgets she isn't supposed to tell. I really think that she has early dementia and you never know what she is going to remember or forget. She is supposed to see a doctor but she has to travel quite aways to do it so it just hasn't been convenient. The earlier you get the medicine the better the chance of it helping!!!

I didn't know if my husband would do anything for me for Mother's Day or not since I'm still a mom-to-be. I was tickled to find out that he got me a card. Cards are very special for him to get. He rarely gets me a card for an anniversary, Valentine's or birthday. I got both a birthday and Mother's Day card this year. We are going to go pick out some chairs for our patio now. We don't have room for a table but he said he would get me some chairs so we can sit out there together. I was so tickled with this card. He teases me because I have the tendency to come home and take off my pants and wonder around the house for awhile before I put on some shorts or more comfortable pants. I have done this for quite some time but it is worse now that I am wearing support hose. He has teased me about how I won't be able to do this once we have kids. Friday he was really hot and I kept telling him to just take off his pants and sit in his boxes. The card is just perfect.

We are going over to the in laws to eat. This will be the first time I have gone over there since we had our little issue. Both of Mike's grandmas will be there so hopefully that will help. I don't know, I don't really want to go. It was REALLY hard this year trying to buy cards for both our moms. I don't know why there aren't any that say "Happy Mother's Day, leave us the hell alone"

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

First things first, Happy Belated Birthday!!! I'm catching up on blogs today so I'm sorry I missed your day!!
I, too, was wondering if Daniel would do anything for me for Mother's Day...we went to Target and he picked out a foot spa for me since my ankles are so swollen. So, I appreciated it. He is not into cards AT ALL. I can't even remember the last one I got from him; maybe our wedding over six years ago??? It's so sweet that you got one from your hubby for Mother's Day...something for the baby book for sure!
I hope you had a nice birthday/Mother's Day and hope you are feeling well :)