Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I did it

...for him. I didn't want to and I didn't get very many other decorations out at all, but I put up the tree for my husband. I watched me assemble the actual tree and then I had to do all the lights and decorating. He's 6'2", I'm 5"5", and tree is seven feet tall (not counting the sad goofy branch at the top). Who should be putting the lights on. Yes, some how it is the shorty. Oh well, then I get everything my way. I didn't get out a lot of the ornaments and I used icicles instead of the tinsel DH likes.

I am tired and worked with one of the regular abusers (the surgeon to the nurses) today. It wore me out. We had very difficult cases, but I got to leave on time and come home. I have to get on the computer now because my husband will be on it the entire night once he gets home. He has a week of class and he is really worried about the test at the end. If he doesn't pass his job stops and he has to travel to Salt Lake City on our dime to retake the test. The poor sweetheart just isn't a good test taker. He has been studying really hard and I am very proud of him. I need to write my Christmas letter since my cards have been done since Thanksgiving weekend. I am waiting for some wedding pictures too to send out with the cards. I haven't really been in the frame of mind for writing a letter to all my friends and family, but I think today is going to be the day.

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