Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Road trip

Today was my day off (since I have to work this weekend) and I went to see my SIL. She lives about 2 1/2 hours away in Colorado. That is a little funny to me because she lives down by where I came from and now I live here where she came from. Interesting. Anyway, I decided this year I am going to make my Christmas cards instead of buy them. She sells stuff to do this so I went last night to get her help and stayed over. It is so hard for me to come back. If my husband said he would move I would grab my pets and kiss my friends goodbye and get the fell out. I need a change. I need to live where there are more things going on.

I had to stop and actually rest at a rest stop. I was having trouble staying awake. That is odd. My mind was so busy on the drive and I am such a tense driver I don't usually get very tired. But I stopped and I think I slept for about 45 minutes. I guess I needed it. It is funny, I don't mind driving in the city very much but the long stretches kill me. I tend to drive rather fast. I just want to get there. I don't like driving. I didn't get my driver's license until I was 22. When I turned 16 I didn't have a car to drive and we really couldn't afford the insurance so I was going to wait a bit. When I was 17, I was the passenger in pretty major car accident. No one's injuries were too severe, but it was a high speed accident and everyone got the shit beat out of them. I was in physical therapy for close to three years I think. Anyway, I had NO desire to drive then. I still have issues when it is icy out. It has been 13 years last month, but I still have anxiety with ice.

Anyway, it was nice to get away even if it was only over night. It is nice to go somewhere where there is some vitality. Someplace where I can actually find the damn things I need.

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