Wednesday, January 28, 2009

snow and stuff

This has been the driest winter ever. We have hardly had any snow at all, until this past weekend. It started snowing on Friday. By the time I woke up Monday morning there was twelve inches on the ground. That and severe cold. Mike went to work on Sunday so he could only clear the snow until he left. He cleared it twice with the "tractor" and then of course it kept snowing. I tried to start the tractor and I couldn't do it, not that I could work the snow blade right anyway. I went out and started shoveling about 4:30. Jake was in the garage carrying around his snow removal equipment - a plunger and a broom. When I got about half way down the drive way he freaked! I stopped and we came inside. A friend came over about 5 and I went back out to finish the drive and the sidewalks. Where I had originally started already had another inch on it when I had finished the sidewalks. I wanted to cry.

Daycare was closed of course because the schools were closed. Hello? Not everything in the world stops because of snow. We didn't have one single patient cancel because of the weather. A friend's daughter watched Jake since she didn't have school. It went fine but the only problem is that she is a senior and what am I going to do next year? Crap. I opened the garage door Monday morning and cursed. We were up early because we knew it would be bad. I put my car in 4 high and went for it. Scrape. We were plowing the snow as we went. I drive a Trail.blazer. I don't have to drop at all to get in, nor do I have to step up to get in my seat either but the point is my vehicle isn't low to the ground. There had been no snow removal on our street, but as soon as I got onto the highway it wasn't bad until I get to the turn to my friend's street. There had been one swipe down the roads to her house but it still wasn't great. The rest of the way to work was fine until the street the hospital is on and then, of course, the parking lot hadn't been touched at all.

I was all worried about the driveway and how deep it was, but when I got home it was clear!!! My neighbor blew it out for me! Thank God! Well, we think we know which neighbor did it but honestly we haven't been told. I took cookies over tonight to be neighborly and he said that wasn't necessary so I think it was him. It appeared as though the trail of the snow blower lead to his house. They have a very wide three car garage out front so they have a wide expanse of concrete, but it is only one car deep. We however have a double car drive that is three cars deep so we have a lot more to clear. I am so thankful!!

My SIL is applying for a job about ten miles from us. I think that would be good. She lives about 2.5 hours away now. Her husband is a truck driver and gone all the time like up to six weeks at a time. She has lots of friends but all her teacher friends are married and have families so that means they are pretty busy. She has a very young friend that she spends a lot of time with. She really shouldn't. Her friend is 23 and is very immature. They seem to get in trouble together. My SIL is 35 and an elementary school teacher. It wouldn't be good for her to get arrested for some of the "little" things her friend likes to do. Her friend is also bipolar. I know there are lots of people out there that have this very serious illness that take care of themselves and could be living next door or the person working next to you. Well, her friend isn't that person. Her friend likes to drink, a lot. She really likes to drink and she drinks often and large amounts. She also likes to stop taking her medications and then take a bunch of her medication. This girl needs some help. My SIL talked about her friend's stalking problem as if it was nothing. She was arrested! She had to stay in jail! You don't want to know your child's teacher hangs around with people like this. We, her family, would like her to not see this girl so much. Not hang out every weekend and many weekdays. We think some distance might be good for this friendship. It would be nice to have my SIL here for my MIL too. She might drive me less batty then. It would be great for Jake to spend more time with his aunt. That might be a great place for him to go if school is closed right? We will see what happens. She hasn't even interviewed yet

One of my good friends got diagnosed with PCOS today. I have been pestering her and pestering her to go see an endocrinologist because she has this cyst on her pituitary gland. She has been bounced around by several different local doctors but is really only being treated by a family practice. She wants a baby so bad and has been trying for a little over a year now. I keep nudging her to get more help. She has gained more than 40 pounds in the last year. Now she is terribly depressed. Duh! The cyst causes her to lactate and so she has to take a medication to stop that. Her doctor tried several different things to figure this out. She (the doctor) has at least been consulting with some specialists but she needs to say - you should go to a specialist. You don't go to a barber for your wedding updo right? Just because hair is his business doesn't mean he can do everything! Hopefully she will got to an RE now. I talked to her for the hours she was waiting for a glucose tolerance test, which she failed. She got glucophage today.

She has a twin sister. Her twin got pregnant just after I did. Her sister and her lovely fiance smoked dope together and were just your average low lives. Her sister has pulled it together. The fiance is doing much better but still. Your twin gets knocked up accidentally and isn't sure what she wants to do and you are aching for a baby even long before you actually started trying. My friend's BIL was a piece of crap. A lying, stealing, cheating piece of crap. He had four children with three different moms. He never married a one of them. He hung himself. He was going to have to go to jail and he wasn't about to do that. He didn't die, but was brain dead. It was awful. His funeral was April 14, 2006. That was horrible. That was the day I woke up and my face was paralysed and drooping. He had a baby that was nine days old when he failed to kill himself. The baby's mother was only sixteen and I think he was 26. The mother kept dropping that baby off with my friend. She had him most of the first month of his life. They tried to get legal custody of him but couldn't. His mommy is bipolar. She would hand him over, take him back, hand him over, take him back. I think this happened for three months and then my friend and her husband said we can't do this anymore. That poor baby. It was just ripping my friend up. And now, it appears, she is really just at the beginning. I hope if they can deal with her insulin resistance that that will be enough. I hope she will get to a doctor that is giving her the best care and not just doing the best they can. I pray for her. But I will be there doing whatever I can to help her in anyway she needs. I just don't want her to feel like I am rubbing Jake under her nose. I am just grateful that at this moment time is on her side. She is just about to turn 26 even though she seems so much more mature than I am! She seems like a grown up and I frequently feel like I am faking it.

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