Sunday, January 25, 2009


I think I broke my baby! Jake's bottom was a little red so I put some cream on it. I forgot to buy more of the cream I like yesterday so I put some we were given as a shower present. I think we have put it on him a time or two but it is a funky color and I don't like that so I don't use it. Besides, we have a cream that works well for us. Anyway, I put Jake in his chair to eat and I was cleaning the kitchen and getting my own plate. For once we were eating the same thing! Jake is just pushing the food around. I don't think he tried it at all. He threw his fork and spoon on the floor and was whining. I brought him applesauce (he loves that word!). He repeated applesauce a few times but wouldn't eat it. He asked for his milk so I got that for him and he drank some milk. Then he drank some of his juice. He was whining more. He wanted to be picked up. I picked him up and sat him on my knee and he wiggled away but immediately wanted to be picked up again. I picked him up and he had his fork from the floor in his hand. I tried to give him food off my plate which he refused. He told me he was hungry so I got him some baby food instead. He ate about half of what I gave him and cried. He kept saying owie and holding his arms out but wouldn't point to where it hurt when I asked. I wasn't exactly expecting him to but it would help.

So I took him and gave him a bath. His bottom was red and he wouldn't sit. He kept one leg under him and leaned forward. I gave him his allergy medicine and washed him up like usual but he wouldn't play. He just whined. He wouldn't take a nap today so I knew it was going to be a difficult evening. I took him to his room and put him on his changing table. OMG! I wish I could take a picture and post it without it being considered It was horrible. I have never seen anything this bad. He apparently reacted to the cream I put on him. His everything was red or red and blistering. He has little cracks in his groins now and his and look horrible. I feel just horrible. My poor baby. I thought about scooping him up and dashing to the emergency room but I doubt they will do much for him. I cut open the tube to our regular cream and scraped out the inside. That was the first tube we went through. We don't need it often but still I forgot and I feel so bad. He just cried and hiccuped. He just couldn't get comfortable. It took forever to get his jammies on him and then I gave him some tylenol and I no more than sat in the rocker to try to comfort him and he was out. I hope a miracle happens while he is sleeping. I feel so bad for him. I feel like a terrible mom

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

Yeouch! Poor little guy! Landry has had some pretty bad rashes...some so bad that she would scream bloody murder when we'd try to get her to sit down in the bathtub. I hope he is doing better today...that skin is so sensitive, heck, mine still is!!!
Thanks for your comment on my post. I am seriously thinking of seeing someone because I know it would help to talk and find out why I have these deep-rooted issues.
Oh, and lefties rule!!!