Monday, October 30, 2006

Not so Halloweenie

Halloween is usually my favorite holiday. Fall is my favorite season and to me they go hand-in-hand. I have not bought even one pumpkin, or gourd, or piece of Indian corn. Not one and I usually have them all over. I did not put up one decoration. I did finally buy some candy this weekend (not that we usually get any trick-or-treaters at our house). I usually hide the candy from Mike until after Halloween but this year I didn't make it. I went to WalMart to grab a few things, came home, and got called to trauma-o-thon. I realized sometime around the 10th or 11th hour of surgery that I had left the bag with the candy on the counter. Mike did get home at about 0200 and I didn't get home until 0400. He didn't even notice! When I do hide candy or anything from him it is usually in plain site. I mean it isn't in a drawer or closet or the basement. I might hide something on an exposed shelf just not in the front. Back to Halloween... I don't know what is wrong with me this year. I have been working extra. My focus has been other places I guess. I don't know, but I am not going to decorate now.

I am miserable today. I have a stomach bug. I didn't feel great yesterday, but that was nothing compared to today. I went to work and decided before three hours was up that it wasn't happening. I was floating today so I could at least run to the bathroom prn, but I don't need to share with others. We aren't treated well when we are sick at my job. I know we have to have people to staff the rooms but if I am making others sick??? For being healthcare providers we aren't very understanding of illness. I am feeling a little better. I can almost standup straight. I have been drinking gingerale and had dry toast and have kept that down. I have been so cold though and I had a fever for awhile. I did sleep for about three hours and that was good. I had two blankets and two cats and I was still cold. I don't usually get cold.

Halloween is passing me by this year. It kind of feels like a friendship that has drifted apart. I have fond memories and a sadness. A wish that I could make things different... what a goof!

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