Monday, February 09, 2009

The best ever!

For the most part our weekend sucked. Jake has been sick still and even worse than when we went to the doctor. He has had BAD diarrhea and been vomiting. He has has no appetite but has been very good about drinking his rice milk. I took him in to the doctor yesterday because he was grabbing his throat and yanking at his ears so much. She said they looked fine. I thought maybe the ear was some eczema. I was afraid the throat was his tonsils but I guess not.
The good news about this weekend is that Jake started saying "love you". It is so great!! I can't wait until it is "I love you, Mommy" but I am happy to take this! He also had his first real bubble bath this weekend. That and will come to you to give you a closed mouth kiss. I just love it. I kept thinking he was sick and I didn't care because I loved the kisses SO much!
I have today off because we only had two ORs running and I didn't want to be in either one. I'm on call tomorrow so that helped me qualify. My big boss let most of the people still come to work even though we are in a budget crisis. (we usually run five rooms and that is two nurses a room). So I went into work this morning because we had our monthly meeting and I took Jake with me. My big boss doesn't have or like kids but she wasn't too bad. Someone usually has a child or two there since we may not be scheduled to work at all or until much later that day. So anyway, the big boss left to go to a more important meeting. Jake decided to be a ham at this time and just stole the meeting. It is actually nice when the big boss leaves because we can discuss whatever bad news she just gave us and come up with a plan. Today she asked nurses to be in charge of the aides. That would be a different nurse every day. The aide that was the "charge aide" resigned and her last day is today. Okay, a nurse to do her job. Alright, so her wage was $10 an hour. Our nurses make anywhere from about $23-$34 an hour. Her reasoning is that we get our hours. That is great that the nurses get their hours but when it is busy and a nurse needs to do a nurse job than who is going to be helping with the aides because that is when they need help the most too? I don't know, I just know I don't want to do it because the aides can be very nasty when ever there is a problem. No one is ever accountable for anything! Of course I think that happens everywhere you turn... Big surprise but we also learned we know nothing about anything regarding the changes to come.
Oh and Jake slept through the night two nights in a row in his crib! He came really close last night too.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

I just read your previous post about your friend with endo...maybe there is hope for me after all?!?!?!?
That is so sweet that Jake says I love you!!! I'm trying to work on that with the girls. We've been giving kisses but they get so embarrassed by's pretty cute how bashful they are :0)