Saturday, September 08, 2007

We're HOME!!

Hopefully in the next day or so I can get some pictures on here and get a few words written about our little "journey." Nothing has gone as planned or even remotely as expected. I guess that has been true about the entire process of getting and being pregnant. Why should I think things would change now???

We got home yesterday afternoon and now we are trying to figure out what the hell we are doing. We are preparing for the mass of visitors and I am being forced to stuff my baby to the point of his getting sick (not at all happy about this front). But I had to beg and plead, not to mention cry my eyes out, to get the hell out of the hospital. Anyway, we are finally HOME!!!!


Stephanie said...

Glad you are home! I hear the first few weeks are about survival! Do whatever you got to do to get through them then things will fall into place, that's what I hear anyway. Best of luck learning to be mama...and let daddy help out.

Kirsten said...

Sooo happy you guys are home...are your eyes burning yet from being open so long!! Now the fun begins :)
I'm curious about what happened when you can (and I know how fast those breaks between feeds fly by so I know it might be awhile and that's okay!)

Hopeful Mother said...

Congratulations on being home with your little one. Looking forward to reading more when you have caught up with everything a bit more!