Wednesday, September 26, 2007

4 Weeks today

My little boy is four weeks old today! I can't believe it. On one hand it seems like it was just yesterday that I was being riped in two pushing him out and then on the other had it seems like it has been much longer. Maybe it is the total lack of sleep but I can hardly remember my life without him.

His poor little face is still terrible. It doesn't look too bad on these pictures and I am hoping it doesn't look too bad on our family pictures. I took these after he had his bath tonight and his hair was still fuzzy. I love that. His hair has started falling out and that makes me sad. I was expecting a bald baby and all, but I have really come to love his hair. So far it is just the spot on the back of his head where their little heads rub against whatever is behind them. The thing is, that is exactly where his wound was and it looks awful. I think it is just temporary, I hope. He also has a pimples on that area of his scalp and it just looks terrible. I'm sure it will be okay, right?

We have our four week appointment tomorrow morning. I can't wait to see how big he has gotten. It feels like he has gained a lot but we will see. He seems to be in a growth spurt right now and both very tired and hungry. I am looking forward to when we can give him a little cereal before he goes to sleep so his tummy is full longer. I am just really looking forward to seeing our family doctor instead of the other one. The day I got a wee bit upset when they said we were going to have to stay two nights in step down my husband called and left a message for my doctor. He said I was really upset with how things were going and that he wanted her opinion and he thought I needed her support. She was down in my room (during the middle of her morning office hours) within the hour and was there for at least fifteen minutes. It made me feel much better. She wasn't very happy with the doctor over the NICU either. He told her we were going home on Tuesday and here it was Thursday. She called and said she could understand why he wanted us to stay one night but two was uncalled for regardless of whether Jake lost weight overnight or not. Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing her. Plus I have this rash that is driving me nuts. It started on my tummy the last month and moved to my thighs right after Jake was born. It is very itchy and now I have it on my lower legs, upper arms, and tonight it appeared on one of breasts. It has long been gone on my tummy though. They told me it was hormones in the hospital. Okay, well it is now driving me nuts and I scratch without thinking.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

What a cutie!! And my little Landry has fuzzy hair, too :) It's always at it's fuzziest right after a bath as well. I hope it settles down a bit when she gets older or else it's gonna be frizz-city but, for now, it's just too cute!
It is amazing how fast the weeks go by when you are home with the baby(ies). I really thought time would draaaag by but, here it is, time to go back to work almost. Looks like you and I will be going back at almost the same time...we'll have to get through those first tough days together. It's going to be hard.
Oh, and Landry also had a pretty bad case of baby acne for awhile. It just now finally went away and I've heard it's pretty common.
Can't wait to hear how he's grown!