Thursday, September 20, 2007

My men

I love the men in my life very much. My husband has been wonderful since Jake has come home. When we were in the hospital he tried to not be there as much as possible. Mike is almost phobic of hospitals and I was hoping this good experience would help him feel better. He did pretty well with the two wrist surgeries I had but we were in and out of the hospital in a very short amount of time. He was pretty nervous about my gallbladder surgery but, after all, I was pregnant.

This experience just helped reinforce his hatred of hospitals. Actually, it is just that bad things happen in them for him. His dad has had multiple hospitalizations that have resulted in LONG ICU stays and have involved multiple surgeries. I don't blame him for getting panicky. I sometimes feel that way, but it is more that I just really don't want to go to work, usually because of someone.

So Mike would go up with me every morning to see the doctor and visit Jake and then he would go up every evening, usually to take his parents to visit. But he didn't hang around for most of the day like me. Sometimes he was there longer than others, but in general, not for more than an hour a day, unlike my 12 or so hours.

Anyway, Mike has been wonderful. He has been helping a lot. Every night he lets me go to bed around nine or ten and he takes care of Jake until one or two in the morning and then it is my turn. There is usually a lot of crying in this time frame. Mike has gotten Jake to actually sleep in his bed instead of just on me. For the first week he would only sleep on my chest in the chair at night. He might sleep in his crib in the day but not at night. That makes mommy very tired! One night I even got to sleep in my bed for 6 straight hours. It was a dream!!!

He helps me give him his bath. He changes lots of diapers and he gives him most of the bottles that he still gets. What is the common theme here? MIKE IS STILL HOME FROM WORK!!! Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE all of his help. It is wonderful, however, no work equals no pay! It has been a month now and I am freaking out! He has got to go back to work. The crappy thing is that he keeps telling me he won't help me like he has been when he goes back to work because he needs sleep. That is true, but so does mom.

We go and get our pictures taken tomorrow and Mike claims he will sign back up for work when we get home. Some how I see it stretching into Saturday and then to Monday but we will see...

I can't get over how much Jake looks and acts like Mike. I keep asking if I have any genetic contribution in this child. Mike says he has my chin. I asked which one since he has two. He certainly has Mike's temper, which isn't good. It is calm to majorly pissed in less than 2 seconds. I see this face a lot. Sadly, it is the same only hairier on my husband.

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