Saturday, February 16, 2008

It amazes me how much I still see this face. But I get to see the face in the next picture much much more. I have already forgotten how much hair he had when he was born! My how he has changed! I do think that I am going to have to have the hair around his ears trimmed before we get his six month pictures taken. It isn't horrible, but it bothers me. I like neat hair lines on guys, even little ones.

I am a bit less angry today. I decided that I would wait until Monday to talk to the director. I decided I can call her in the morning and show her the papers when I go to pick Jake up. I gathered the papers we got for the week, minus Monday's. They were too busy to get us his paper Monday and at the time it wasn't a big deal. Now I really wonder what it said. I thought they would put it in our box and I could get it Tuesday, but apparently they just threw it away. On the four papers I had it said he was given formula 12 times! That is laziness! I will not tolerate this. Even though I am going to talk to the director I am still going to explore some other options. I just know their aren't many and this was the best. I will be ranting about this to my best friend (she hasn't been at work because she had surgery and I haven't bothered her with this). I know she will tell her mom and her mom was one of the founders and is very good friends with a couple of the ladies on the board. This woman has very strong feelings about breast feeding and tells me how proud she is that I am still breast feeding every time she sees me. She also stops by at least once a week to check on Jake.

Jake seems to be growing and advancing by leaps and bounds right now. As soon as he started feeling better we could tell. We could also tell that being sick kind of stalled his teething. He turned into a major crank again and popped that 6th tooth in and now the center top teeth are right under the gum. He is so much stronger. He wants to jump up and down all the time now while you are supporting him. He loves it. It wears me out. He cracked my nose this past week with his head. My eyes are a bit blackened. It just looks like I have really bad dark circles under my eyes. Maybe it was like that before but I don't think so. He is sleeping a ton right now, which I think is part of the growing and not getting sick. He is working on his sitting. He certainly can't sit up on his own yet, but he has figured out how to not fall face first like he always used to if you let him. He is just so strong!

We do have a major problem though. He doesn't want to eat any baby food, but he IS hungry. I have tried everything I can thing of to try to get him to eat. I give him a break with baby food and try again a couple days later. We have been through all the 1 veggies and sweet potatoes were the only ones he seemed to like. I have tried adding juice to his cereal and I have even given up and added fruit to the cereal. I am still trying get him to eat veggies before I start giving him the fruit alone though. I just don't know what to do. He seems to like the cereal with milk better than juice. We have only tried rice so far and I think maybe I should try changing that. He just seems really hungry and is moving his feedings closer together! I take his hunger to be another sign he is going through a growth spirt.

So is the spell check working for everyone else? Am I suddenly doing something wrong to make it stop working? I am a terrible speller and I just hate not being able to click the spell check. I know there are mistakes and it embarrasses me that I can't fix them. I keep finding myself editing my word choices just because I can't spell a word!

1 comment:

Keeping The Faith said...

I just can't believe what your going through with your daycare. That is completely unacceptable. You do not have to put up with that. How hard is it to warm up the breast milk you provide? I would throw a fit... a major fit. You're paying them good money to take care of your son while you have to slave away at work and it sounds like they are lacking in the "care" department. I don't care if they have the best reputation in the area...somehow it's not so top right now. ugh... i hope you get that resolved quickly. Let us know what happens. (wow I got a little heated...didn't I?) only for you Jaimie.