Wednesday, April 21, 2010

We made it

I only have a minute but everything was fine. Everything looked just like it was supposed to. They had no concern that there was anything at all abnormal looking with the baby. We are having another boy too! We only got a glimpse but we could see what we needed to see. I am off for a truly rare thing - a date with my husband to celebrate!


Hopeful Mother said...

Jaimie!! YAY!! I am so happy to hear this. Enjoy a night out with your hubby and celebrate that you are going to have another son.

Congratulations. What a relief you must feel.

Kirsten said...

WOO HOO!!! What awesome news...both posts!!! I am so happy and so relieved for you guys. You deserved some positive, wonderful news and I am so glad you got it. And that is so cool that Jake is going to have a little brother!!
Hope you are enjoying your celebration tonight and that the coming months are stress-free!!!

Nurse Lochia said...

That's fantastic! I can only imagine your relief! Congrats on another baby boy! Enjoy your date with your hubby!