Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Plan

There has been a lot of thinking, a lot of talking and some crying at our house. Yesterday I tried to talk to my friend but she wasn't working so she didn't have my results and I didn't want to bother her on her day off. She was really nice though. Anyway, today the doctor that called Monday had the only late case and he sat down with me afterward. I had already decided that I am not going to do the amnio. At least not right now. He has told me the time to do the amnio was 16-17 weeks and that was one of my questions. Because I don't want to. I don't. I know it is the only way to know but I don't want to do. I knew this but we talked about it anyway and I asked the risks. Of course there some. I'm just not willing to accept those risks right now. Neither is Mike. So we came up with the plan that I will have my afp drawn at sixteen weeks as planned. Then we will do an anatomy scan at 18 weeks and we will see what we see. If we see problems there then we will do the amnio. He said 18 weeks should be sufficient but 16 would be too soon. I figured I would be able to keep my sanity long enough to survive to 20 weeks. But he said we will be able to see everything then. So there we are. We have a plan. I don't have to travel and stuck with a big needle. I had more questions about the trisomies and defects and survival rates and he had answers. They weren't good but he was able to tell me.

On a different note, I had a message to call to set up an interview for the job I applied for. I'm scared. I left her a message and I will call back tomorrow to set up an interview. Now I need get a real resume put together. I have really been struggling with that!


Kirsten said...

That sounds like a good plan and I just hope the coming weeks are as peaceful for you guys as possible. Also praying all the worrying is for nothing!!!

Resumes...ugh. I swear, that is th e main thing that has kept me from looking for another job for so long...I HATE writing resumes!!

All the best in everything :)

Hopeful Mother said...

I think it sounds like a plan you can live with. I really hope the worry is all for nothing, and you can go back to "regular" worries like job and Jake etc. :-)

I really hope the job stuff works out as you are hoping. That would be great.

Thinking of you!

Beth said...

I've found much comfort in the blogworld regarding many topics, so I'm hopeful you might be able to do the same?

Similarly, I'm not sure of the spot you're in emotionally, so this might not be right for you, right now anyway. Or maybe at any point down the road...

For a while now, I have been reading along with: - Angie is the mother of three girls. Poppy, her middle daughter, was diagnosed with Trisomy 18. Angie is linked with other moms (on her blogroll) who received similar news in their pregnancies. They are a wealth of knowledge, networking, and emotional support.

I'm praying for and thinking about your family!


PS. I have a Jacob, too! :)