Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Last night Jake and I crashed in the chair early, probably by 730. I woke up at 830 and put him to bed and I had to let the dogs out and get ready for bed myself. I forgot to take the trash out that I set on top of a big trash can with a lid on it. This morning I let Sparky out first. I went back to let him in and he had jumped on top of the trash can, ripped a hole in the garbage bag, and was eating poop out of a diaper. I just about hurled. I screamed at him - mind you it was before seven - and he ran away of course. I couldn't catch the little shit! Thank goodness it had rained last night and at least the grass wiped the pooh off him!
I let Molly out and came back in to find Jacob crawling out from my room at a rapid pace. He had something in each hand. As he came up to me I laughed so hard. I tried to get a picture of the crawl but he was too fast. He has a tampon in one hand and an ovulation predictor in the other hand. I did snap a picture of him stopping and banging the two together. I just thought of how many of each of those two items I had gone through before getting the little fellow holding them.
I'm trying to decided what to do for the birthdays coming up. Jake's birthday is on a Friday and Mike's in on Saturday. We will have a party for both on Saturday. (we never have a party for Mike, or me for that matter, so this is new ground). So we can't decide how big to make it. I have asked a number of my coworkers and they would go big for the first birthday. How big? I mean how many people do I invite? Where do I draw the line? I am thinking if I invite very many of my friends I need to just put up a stinking invite at work because I will get into that damn trouble I always do about someone being left out. I don't think anyone other than my friends would come anyway, but than at least I don't leave anyone out. I think it is silly however because it is my son's party. However, I don't recall every having seen a baby's party up there. I don't know. When we look at just inviting a few people, just family(parents, Mike's sister and grandmas) and a few friends it seems hard to draw the line. I don't know and it seems silly. But there is a big difference between 10 people and 40 people. And words of advice? What have/are you going to do???


Stephanie said...

That is so funny that he found your pregnancy test stick and ovulation stick. The though of it cracks me up!

Linlee said...

We went through the same thing with Hope's birthday. At first I wanted to go big and invite everyone but we ended up just doing family and just a few close friends.