Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mom's wrong... yet again

We went to the urgent care place this morning because our doctor is sick. I felt entirely out of place there. I have never gone there in the middle of the day before. I am always at work then. First of all I am not racist. As a matter of fact, our family doctor is Hispanic. Anyway, I was definitely in the minority in waiting room. First of all Jake and I were the only blue eyed, fair skinned people. Second of all, we were the only people that had regular health insurance. You have to present your insurance card and from the time we sat down to the time we went back the only coverage I heard people say was not the blue cross like we have, if you get my drift. There were tons of other babies though and most of the mothers were babies themselves. This is a good look for Jake isn't it. His eye looks a ton better here than it did when he woke up. It hardly even opened at all this morning.
Anyway, I was sort of wrong, I guess. It isn't pink eye and he doesn't have a plugged duct. He does have a sinus infection and mucus is coming BACK OUT the nasal lacrimal duct. Poor baby! We got some antibiotics and then we went and ran errands. At least he doesn't have a highly infectious disease. He just feels like crap. He would have had lovely pictures today wouldn't he???
(I know the red eye is terrible, but I thought the picture was just so cute!) My pretty princess kitty loves to come and rub on Jake. She has very long, very silky fur and he loves to pet her. Usually, however, he is very gentle unlike this tail grab indicates. I haven't been able to snag a picture of her coming up and rubbing his nose with hers. I am always holding him when it happens. He just loves it! He giggles and giggles.


Stephanie said...

poor little guy. Hope he is feeling better soon. i love the photo of him grabbing the cats tail!

Hopeful Mother said...

Jake is so cute. I love his smile!

I know what you mean about feeling out of place at the Dr. office. Sometimes I am the only one who speaks English in our office!

I hope Jake gets better soon.

Kirsten said...

He is adorable with his green on!! I felt so bad, I forgot about St. Patrick's Day but luckily the girls had green in their socks :)
I know how you feel about the clinic. That's how it was at the new pediatrician that we picked. We were the minority and most were on medicare and teenagers on their 3rd or 4th kid. VERY depressing.